50| Defending the Title

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"Let's get this show on the road!" Iris yelled excitedly, tossing the Poké Ball she held onto the arena

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"Let's get this show on the road!" Iris yelled excitedly, tossing the Poké Ball she held onto the arena. An intimidating Druddigon emerged from the ball and let out a roar once it landed on the ground.

"Go, Saber! You can do this!" I remembered that Iris had used a Fraxure back in Castelia City, so I thought it would be best to send Saber out first. "Start out with Ice Beam!" Saber fired a beam of subzero ice at Druddigon, and it flinched back as it was partially encased. It shuddered and collapsed, knocked out. I was stunned. I couldn't believe that it had gone down after the first attack!

Iris smiled. "Ice Beam? So you came prepared, huh? It won't matter if your Samurott goes down this turn. Let's go, Lapras!" She sent out the familiar large-shelled Water-type. I knew Saber would be faster than it.

"Saber, Aqua Jet!" Saber cloaked himself in a vortex of spiraling water and practically flew at Lapras.

"Thunderbolt!" Iris countered. Lapras' small horn sparked with blue lightning, and it shot a large, jagged bolt at Saber. He was intercepted by the bolt and stopped right in his tracks, crying out in surprise as the electricity engulfed him. Once the attack was over, he struggled to remain on his feet. He wasn't knocked out, but was heavily damaged.

"No! Saber, return!" I recalled him and sent out Thorn in his place. I would've used Surge, but I didn't know if Lapras had a Ground or Fire-type move to counter him. And even if Thorn never did that much damage in the first place, he could do some chip damage. "Thorn, use Spikes!" Thorn threw a dozen razor-sharp spikes onto the battlefield.

"Lapras, use Sing!" Lapras sang a sweet melody that put Thorn to sleep almost instantly.

"Thorn, come on! Wake up!" I cried. I had used up all of my Awakenings during Caitlin's fight when her Musharna kept using Yawn. Lapras fired off an Ice Beam of its own, and I recalled Thorn once he had been knocked out. I then used the Pokémon I should have from the beginning and sent out Surge. "Surge, use Thunderbolt!"

"Lapras, Ice Beam!" The two moves were let off at the same time and passed over each other on their way to their targets. Lapras was hit with the Thunderbolt and Surge was hit with Ice Beam simultaneously, the attacks exploding in an array of electricity and ice particles. Surge resisted most of the damage while Lapras finally went down. "Aggron, you're up next!" Iris exclaimed. Her next Pokémon was a monolithic beast clad in steel and had long claws. I had the perfect Pokémon to deal with this one!

"Come out, August!" I sent out my Ninetales.

"Trying to get the upper hand with Fire? That won't matter if it can't withstand Aggron's Earthquake." Aggron raised its foot high and brought it down with such a tremendous force that the ground itself began to heave. Iris and I struggled to stay upright while August rolled about on the ground, unable to keep her footing. The attack ended and August forced herself to her feet, her eyes gleaming with fury. Aggron had made her mad, and it was going to pay for it.

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