37| Opelucid's Icy Prison

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We exited the Gym to go find Bianca and possibly find out what was causing the tremors

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We exited the Gym to go find Bianca and possibly find out what was causing the tremors. But when the front doors swung open, we were greeted with a blast of frigid wind and flying snow flecks.

"What in the..?" Drayden gasped, shocked at the scene before us. The rest of us were at a loss for words, just as stunned as the Leader was.

What we saw was... ice. Clouded sheets of ice covered the ground and climbed up the buildings like ivy. Walls of the stuff blocked the alleys, confining the city to a network of straight pathways. Along with the walls, huge ice crystals easily six feet tall stood at random intervals on the streets or on the sides of buildings. The once-clear sky was now shrouded in gray clouds and an unnaturally cold wind swept through the city streets. It was like Opelucid was sealed in a block of ice.

"When did this happen? How could this have happened?" I cried. I was beyond confused, we were inside for an hour at the most, and somehow the city was encased in that amount of time. It may have been obvious but no normal blizzard could have done something like this. Especially since there never was a blizzard in the first place.

As I thought this, the horrifically loud roar of a Pokémon echoed from somewhere in the city. A huge shadow then passed over the street. I thought it was a cloud or something until I looked up and saw what it was. While I wasn't able to see much of it, I could make out a few main identifying features. It was a large gray creature with a long neck, clubbed tail, and spindly gray-blue wings that didn't even look capable of lifting it off the ground, much less allowing it to fly. For a second, I thought I saw a glinting silver fixture attached to its head, vanishing before I could really see what it was.

"That was Kyurem, it had to be," Nate said, head still tilted skyward. "Come on, we have to find Bianca and Hilbert!"

"I'll catch up with you three in a minute, I need to grab something," Drayden said, running back into the Gym.

Hugh scoffed. "Talk about a responsible adult. Leave the three young teens to fend for themselves against the psychopathic team and a freaking Legendary Pokémon! Nothing could go wrong there, obviously!"

"You can worry later, we have to help the others!" I objected. I tried my best to run across the ice without faceplanting.

We skidded our way through the ice-covered streets until we reached the city square where I spotted Bianca on its far side. As we got closer, I noticed that she was kneeling over someone. It didn't take a genius to see that the person was Hilbert. He was sprawled across the ground on his side, out cold, and I was pretty sure that the dark bruise on his forehead had to do with why he was unconscious. Bianca heard our crunching steps and looked up at us with a mixture of relief and fear.

"Bianca, what happened here?" I asked breathlessly.

"We were coming back from Route 9 and... and we were ambushed here by a group of Neo Team Plasma members," Bianca said. "They demanded that Hilbert give up Design, and when he refused, Kyurem appeared! It summoned a blizzard and started attacking the city with a bunch of Ice-type moves. Hilbert tried battling it, but it was too strong, even Design could hardly stand up to it. I couldn't do anything, I was too busy trying to fight off the Neo Team Plasma members." She looked to her unconscious boyfriend. "I turn my back to him for just a moment, and when I looked back, Design was gone and he was like this!"

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