45| Heroes' Farewell

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"So when you say they left their Pokémon

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"So when you say they left their Pokémon..." I intentionally stopped myself.

   Hugh nodded and removed a black Poké Ball from his bag. It looked like the black coating on it had begun to chip away, revealing the scuffed red metal underneath. "I... finally got Pearls back."

   "What about the other Pokémon?" Rosa asked.

   "Th-they're all in my bag, e-every... every last o-one of them."

   "Even Tangrowth?" I asked, wondering if Hugh was really willing to keep that Pokémon so close to him.

   He nodded. "It... wasn't its fault that it acted against m-me like that. S-so I... forgive it." He shook his head and took a deep breath. "But I'll never forgive Kage. It's impossible to forgive someone like that," he finished, gasping for air afterwards.

   "That's fine, Hugh. At least you didn't kill him. Like you said, you might've turned out like him," I said. "You made the right choice, and I'm glad you survived."

   "Th-thank you, Nate," Hugh said. Rosa carefully wiped some blood off Hugh's face, and he flinched back. "Ow! That k-kinda hurt..." he gasped.

   "Sorry! I just wanted to see how bad it was. You'll definitely need to have that seen to when we get out of here," Rosa apologized.

   While Hugh was telling us about what happened with the Triad, Hilbert made a three-way call on Bianca's Xtransceiver. When I asked him who he called, he said it was an old friend of his and that he could help get Ghetsis and the remaining Neo Plasma members to the authorities. Apparently, Drayden and Bianca were going to go meet them and show them how to get to this cave. It was now a matter of playing the waiting game, my favorite.

   "... What do you mean? Don't you try to pin any of this on me!"

   I picked up on a nearby conversation, and I saw N arguing with Ghetsis.

   "If you had simply listened to me and stayed with Team Plasma, none of this would have ever happened!" Ghetsis said sharply. Even though he was the one who was trapped, he seemed to show the slightest bit of fear when addressing N.

   "I'm happy I left Team Plasma! Hilbert showed me what you were really doing to the Pokemon you 'liberated,' and it's absolutely sickening," N retorted.

   "Perhaps you would have seen the truth if you actually were a normal person, you freak. You're lucky you weren't the one who had to suffer through the experiments Colress had concocted. You should be thanking me," Ghetsis said snidely.

"Excuse me?" N shouted in a mixture of confusion and anger.

"The communication and endurance trials, the DNA tests, all of them were intended for you. If I didn't need you in one piece for what I had planned, I would've given you over to him in a heartbeat," Ghetsis said proudly. He didn't display a single shred of remorse for what he was admitting. "But it was all worthless. And that's what you are, worthless!"

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