26| Regrouping

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It was our sixth day in Driftveil, and Hugh was being let out of the Pokemon Center

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It was our sixth day in Driftveil, and Hugh was being let out of the Pokemon Center. Nate and I were going to meet Hilbert down in the hotel's lobby in a few minutes to go get him. Then we could leave Driftveil and make our way to Mistralton City.

   Annddd... done! I loosely tied a mint green scarf around my neck, letting the knot rest on top of my Bolt pendant. I admired myself in the bathroom mirror, silently thanking my mom for my new clothes. She knew what I liked, and I couldn't be happier with what I got. I was wearing a green and gray long-sleeved shirt designed like the one I wore before, Poké Ball emblem and all. My yellow shorts were swapped out for a pair of sky blue ones and I wore light green snow boots. Along with these clothes was a gray jacket and the scarf. The only things I kept from my old outfit were my visor and black leggings. To be honest, I thought I looked cute. I made sure my hair was done right before I left the bathroom.

   "You're finally done!" Nate sighed. He was waiting in the hotel room's little living room. He was dressed in a navy blue coat, red scarf, gray pants, and black snow boots. Like me, he had kept his visor.

   "Y-you didn't have to wait for me, you know," I replied, slipping on my backpack. I could speak more clearly, except for a few stutters when my throat would seize up. I saw Nate's belt laying on the ground. For some reason, one ball was missing.

   "Hey Nate? You... k-know one of your Pokémon is missing, right?"

   "Yeah, Zorua has been staying with Hilbert. She's gotten pretty attached to him, and he refused to leave his room without becoming Aaron."

   "O-oh, ok. Well let's go," I said. We finished gathering the rest of our belongings and left the room. Our stay here was over, so we had no reason to leave anything behind. We made our way down the stairs and into the lobby. While Nate returned the key to the front desk, I searched the lobby for Hilbert, or... Aaron I guess. I found him dozing on a couch, Zorua sleeping next to him. He had also gotten new clothes, exchanging his all-gray ensemble for a faded blue jacket with black pants and sneakers. His hair seemed to be permanently put into a low-lying Ponyta-tail while his unruly bangs stuck out.

   I cleared my throat. "Aaron? A-Aaron, rise and shine!"

   Hilbert jolted awake, his body going rigid and his eyes darting around frantically. He then saw me, visibly relaxing when he did. "Hey Rosa... was I asleep?"

   "Yeah, you... kind of freaked out wh-when you woke up. Everything all right?" I said, a concerned edge to my tone.

  "Mostly. I'm glad you woke me up. Whenever I actually fall asleep, I don't wake up for quite a while." He stood up and stretched. "Insomnia freaking sucks, I tell you!" he said through a yawn. Zorua opened her eyes and yipped. "Yeah, I get ya..." Hilbert said as if responding to the foxlike Dark-type. I raised an eyebrow in confusion at his words. He took notice of this and waved me off, saying to just ignore him.

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