40| Truths and Ideals Reunite

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The world around me was a field of green and white

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The world around me was a field of green and white. Snow crunched loudly under my boots, contrasting with the stark silence the forest presented. Every part of me that wasn't covered had long since gone numb. We had been walking for so long that the snow-covered pine trees all looked the same at this point. A small breeze slipped under my gloves and I shivered.

"Rosa, stop messing with your gloves!" Nate hissed to me.

"Sorry! They just don't fit right," I responded, pulling the slightly oversized pair of black gloves further up my arms for what felt like the tenth time. What was I saying? Nothing about this outfit fit right, even with the readjustments I had Slinky and Charlotte make to it. But at the same time it wasn't exactly made for me in the first place.

"How do you think I feel?" Nate sighed. He had been unfortunate enough to get the uniform of a person that was nearly a foot taller than him. Saying that the uniform had to be modified was an understatement.

"Both of you, be quiet," N said. We shut our mouths and continued walking. As I was hit with yet another gust of wind, I wished that I could still wear my coat.

After N left us behind in the alley, we heard a scuffle going on out in the street. A few minutes later, N returned with three Neo Plasma uniforms he'd "borrowed" and the knowledge of where the organization was hiding out. He put it that, "A little Pidgey told me," and to his credit, there was a Pidgey perched on his shoulder. That same Pidgey was still with us, occasionally chirping random trills that N translated as directions. These directions led us to the outskirts of Lacunosa Town. From what N had told us as of now, we were going to find Neo Plasma's base.

We eventually came upon a rocky slope that cut through the forest like a Hyper Beam. It was like a naturally formed wall, the only entrance being a gaping maw of a hole. Many pairs of footprints, both human and Pokemon, could be seen leading in and out of the hole.

"Thank you, my friend. You may leave now if you wish," N said to the Pidgey. The little Flying-type chirped and took flight, disappearing into the forest. "Here we are. This is the Giant Chasm's entrance," N said, staring into the darkness that lay beyond the cave's opening. "Stay close to me, don't look afraid, and for Arceus' sake, don't remove your masks or say a word. And as a final precaution," Midnus and Luna's eyes flashed green, "try not to make contact with anything living," N finished.

I knew what they had done, they had cast illusions onto us. I noticed that Nate's normally wild brown hair had become straight and smooth with blond highlights. I also saw that his eyes had turned bright green. He actually looked like a different person. If it weren't for the subtle facial details his mask didn't cover, I wouldn't have recognized him. He looked at me and said, "You look weird with black hair and brown eyes, sis."

"Well, you don't exactly look too normal yourself," I replied.

N cleared his throat and we turned to face him. He had cast an illusion for himself, and it seemed like Midnus and Luna had their own disguises. Where Midnus once stood now hovered a Vanillish and Luna had become a Manetric. Seeing Luna made me think of Hilbert's Manetric, Lucy. "Are you two ready to go?" N asked.

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