28| A Husk of Nothingness

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I couldn't believe it

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I couldn't believe it. Right before my eyes, I watched a horde of Electric-types attack Hilbert. It was almost surreal. Hilbert was like this stoic, benevolent Trainer who seemed like he could never be caught off-guard like that. That alone was strange enough. What was even stranger was that the Pokémon had only gone for him, not me, or Nate and Hugh. Before we could even really react, the horde vanished deeper into the cave, Hilbert's unconscious body in tow. Without a second thought, we chased after them.

   Chargestone Cave was a labyrinth of blue stone, the only light provided by the electric currents arcing between the occasional floating stones. The low-pitched droning of the Magnemite leading us onwards. They led us down many winding passages and two flights of man-made stairs, built for passing Trainers. I suddenly heard a voice echoing farther down a tunnel.

   "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" I swear I knew who was talking, the slight accent was so familiar. The loose ends in my memory wouldn't connect though. I stopped running and held out my arms, prompting Nate and Hugh to stop too.

   "We might have to fight," I said, removing Ivy's ball from my bag. After we had sent out the Pokémon of our choice, we cautiously proceeded.

   As we got closer to the voice's source, I began to make out shapes in the blueish gloom. First the Pokémon horde, then Hilbert's motionless form on the ground, then finally... No, it can't be! My mind refused to believe who I was seeing. I saw... Colress? What was he doing here? He was staring down at Hilbert. Was he...?! He then seized Hilbert by the arm and yanked him upward, a cruel smile on his face.

   "Ivy, Vine Whip!" I commanded. Ivy lashed her vines out at Colress, smacking into his chest and whipping him against the wall. Hilbert crumpled to the ground, and the Pokémon horde reacted with furious buzzes and screeches. They all launched a bolt of electricity at us.

   "Surge, use Thunderbolt!" Nate's Magneton launched a huge bolt of lightning at the oncoming attack. The two bolts collided in a blinding flash, the sound of crashing thunder occurring when they made contact. Through the blinding light, I could faintly see the separate bolts fighting against each other, trying to overpower the other. Surge's bolt managed to win out, sending both attacks back at the horde. The Pokémon were consumed by a miniature explosion, sending dust and debris flying everywhere.

   As the dust began to settle, the weak droning of the Magnemite continued, their Sturdy Ability keeping them clinging to one HP.

   I told Ivy to use Vine Whip one more time, whipping the Magnemite into both walls of the passage and knocking them out. Ivy started glowing white and her form changed as did Surge's. The light faded and their new forms were revealed. Ivy had become an elegant serpent with a collar made from two vines and beautiful leaf patterns etched onto her long body. Surge was now a huge hunk of glistening steel with two magnets attached to its front and one to its back. A pair of yellow antennae sprouted from its top side, electricity already crackling between them.

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