35| Wandering Truths

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I plunged my hands into the clear mountain stream, wincing slightly when the freezing cold water made contact with my skin

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I plunged my hands into the clear mountain stream, wincing slightly when the freezing cold water made contact with my skin. Ignoring the numbness that began overtaking my hands, I cupped them and brought them up to my mouth, gratefully drinking the water I had scooped up. It was like drinking liquid ice, but it wet my dry throat and quenched my thirst. The water out here had a certain taste to it that city water never retained after being filtered and treated with whatever chemicals they put into it. It was so much purer, if not a tad high in mineral content.

   After refilling my canteen, I stood and told my partners that we were moving on. The duo, who had also been drinking from the stream, obediently straightened and followed. They padded on either side of me, their dark eyes searching the trees around us, ears perked for any odd noises. Their long red claws were spread and sharpened into deadly points, ready for action in case anything were to attack. I smiled when I saw them doing this. Always faithful, always unwavering... They were my loyal partners, willing to do anything to protect me, and I couldn't ask for better ones.

   The forest route I'd chosen followed the stream until it would eventually empty into the ocean. And while I somewhat regretted my decision to traverse a nonexistent path when the actual route wasn't too far from where I was, I preferred the quietness and solitude it provided. This forest was my home at one point and being back here filled me with a pleasant sense of nostalgia.

   "I think it would be best that we spend the night in a town," I said after walking for maybe an hour. My Pokémon voiced the dismay I anticipated, and I gave my reasoning. "I know, I don't like it either, but it has become far too cold for my liking, and staying out here without shelter is dangerous," I said. And it shouldn't be this cold. The Legendary's influence has spread farther than I expected, I thought grimly. "It should be fine for tonight. Undella Town isn't too far from here, and the tourists will have long gone by this time."

   One of my partners grabbed my arm and pointed in the direction of the Abundant Shrine, back the way we came. I shook my head and pulled away from him. "No, Midnus. We cannot stay out here for another night. You know we ran out of food days ago," I said, my stomach growling in agreement with my words. I honestly couldn't remember the last time I ate, and it only proved how badly we needed to stop in Undella.

   Midnus sighed and hung his head in defeat. He knew that once I had my mind set on something, no amount of coaxing would change it. My other Pokémon let out a barking laugh at her twin. Midnus growled and cuffed her over the head.

   "Stop it, you two!" I said sharply. "Luna, don't antagonize him. And Midnus, no fighting. The last thing I want is either of you getting hurt."

   Midnus looked up at me apologetically. "I'm sorry," he barked.

   "It's fine. You know I can't stay mad at you," I replied with a soft smile. That was also another reason why I preferred it out here. Nobody needed to know what I was able to do, nobody needed to know that I could understand the voices of Pokémon.

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