32| Break

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We spent the rest of the day trying to get as far away from Banette Pass as we could

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We spent the rest of the day trying to get as far away from Banette Pass as we could. Suri was afraid they would keep following us, and she wanted to be rather safe than sorry. I wasn't going to complain. Those things had scared me half to death and I wanted to be nowhere near that part of the trail. By the time sunset came around, the pass was nothing more than a distant shadowy line pockmarking Reversal Mountain's dark tan face.

   Suri decided to make camp at a spot where the trail was much wider than the rest. She claimed it was a good spot to set up as long as you didn't sleep too close to the cliff edge. Why anyone would even consider that was beyond me.

   Flaris lit the campfire and a second later it became the only light on the mountain. While everyone ate whatever pre-packed food they had brought, I stared off into the distance, admiring the purples and blues that made up the dusk sky. Suri noticed my staring and made a comment.

   "If you think tonight's view is nice, the peak's view will blow your socks off!" she said excitedly. "You'll be able to see to Castelia from there." I nodded and went back to watching the sky, wondering if I'd be able to see Aspertia from the peak tomorrow night.

   The night passed with little issue as did the next day. The trail took a turn for the steep side and I swore I was climbing at an almost vertical incline most of the time. Suri's Venasaur would use its vines to carry us across small chasms or we'd use our Flying-types to scale ninety-degree cliffs. I was exhausted but I knew that every step I took brought us closer to Undella Town. It was only a matter of time until we did make it.

   "Okay everyone, we have a little longer to go then we'll make camp!" Suri announced, her cheery tone never once fading. We all tiredly nodded and continued our trudge up the mountain.

   There were no longer half-dead trees or vegetation of any kind by the time we reached the peak. Suri told us that we were making camp, and I flopped down on the ground, not caring how dirty my coat got. My chest heaved in an effort to draw breath, and I was feeling a little light-headed.

   "Nate, get up," Rosa said, nudging me with her foot.

   "Give... give me like... two more seconds and... I'll... I'll be fine," I gasped.

   "The oxygen's thinner up here," Rosa said, pulling me up into a sitting position. "That's why Suri let us take so many breaks today. We aren't used to such high altitude."

   "Good to know... Would've been nice to learn that before we climbed this over-sized hunk of rock."

   "Stop whining and drink." Rosa playfully shoved a bottle of water into my hands. I smiled, accepting her offer. When we got to Undella Town, I'd have to give her that training I promised her months ago. I was briefly shocked at how long ago that was. It seemed like yesterday we were having our first battles against Hugh. So much had happened since then, it was crazy!

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