38| Double-edged Personality

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When I exchanged looks with Rosa, we both knew what we needed to do

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When I exchanged looks with Rosa, we both knew what we needed to do. If things kept going the way they did, Zinzolin would call Drayden's bluff, and we would have to fight him along with all of the grunts he brought in order to keep the Splicers safe. And while I knew we could probably handle them, who was to say that they wouldn't call for help? I cautiously looked at Rosa, watching the wordless countdown she had started, heart pounding. Three... two... one! She put her index finger down, and without a moment of hesitation, we bolted.

I soon found myself on an abandoned stretch of road somewhere within the depths of Opelucid City. All of the entranceways to the buildings and alleys were frozen over here, meaning I was stuck running in a straight line. By this point, I was exhausted from all of the running I had done, but I forced myself to keep going. I couldn't stop until I had successfully escaped the city.

My feet crunched rhythmically on the patches of snow and ice covering the street, the noise alarmingly loud in the deafening silence that filled the streets. The frigid air was almost painful to take in and my breaths came out as small white clouds. I wouldn't be exaggerating when I said that the streets were desolate. It was like the apocalypse had taken place and I was the sole survivor. It was hard to believe that so much destruction had occurred in such a short amount of time. I wondered what happened to Hugh and the others, whether they were able to fight off Zinzolin and his lackeys. I shook my head and forced the thought to the back of my mind, I couldn't think about that, not right now.

I had finally reached the end of the street when I heard someone yelling behind me. I turned my head to see four figures in black standing at the end of the street. I couldn't believe how fast they had tracked me down. I turned back and pushed my legs to move faster. I couldn't let them catch me.

My lack of caution caused me to step wrong on a patch of ice and the ground came up to meet me all too quick. Landing painfully on the ice, I slid across the ground, my momentum pushing me farther than I expected. I laid on the numbing ground for a moment, countless pains shooting through me, originating from what parts of me were hit the hardest. The shouts of whoever was chasing me steadily grew louder and my instincts screamed at me to get up. I forced my battered limbs under me and pushed myself up, pure terror forcing me to run. Choosing a random direction, I turned right and ran down the connecting street.

The streets here weren't as frozen, and I suspected that was because Kyurem hadn't lingered in this part of the city for too long. I knew the people had saw me and they would be here at any moment. I saw an open alleyway and got an idea. I turned into the alley, grabbing Saber's ball off my belt as I did so. I let him out and told him to use his Ice Beam on the alley's entrance. Saber unleashed a powerful blast of ice on one of the building's walls. The ice quickly became a thin sheet that stretched from one side of the entrance to the other, which then turned into a moderately thick, cloudy wall.

Once the ice wall was finished, I recalled Saber, flattened myself against the alley wall, and waited, praying that the fake ice wall would be enough to hide me.

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