24| The Second Alias

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We traveled across the water in complete silence

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We traveled across the water in complete silence. Me on Voir, Nate and Rosa on Saber, and Hugh on Coral. It was close to daybreak and the sun was just beginning to crest the horizon. The huge yellow sphere streaked the black sky with red and pink and turned the water into a shimmering sheath of orange. It was a beyond beautiful sight. If only I were able to enjoy it to its fullest.

The tension in the air was so thick it could've been cut with a knife. I could tell they wanted to ask me questions, anyone who knew who I really was did. Always; Why did you leave? What happened between you and the Hero of Truth? And the always prevalent: How are you able to talk with Pokemon? Though I was sure they didn't know I could do that last thing.

As Driftveil's coast came into view, I couldn't take it anymore. "You want answers, right?" I asked suddenly, turning my head to look at them. They looked up at me with tired expressions and it dawned on me that none of them had slept. I was used to sleepless nights, so pulling an all-nighter wasn't too rare of a thing for me. I also had to factor in that all three of these kids were hurt in some way. Nate had his slashes, Rosa her bruises, and Hugh's head injury. I was genuinely surprised that they were holding up as well as they were.

"Of course we do," Hugh said.

"You could've told us that an hour ago," Nate added in a weak voice. Rosa didn't say anything, she just nodded in response to Nate's comment.

"Yeah... you're right," I laughed nervously. "After we get everything sorted out at the Pokémon Center, I'll answer any question you ask, okay?"

"Can I ask one right now?" Nate said. "Won't people recognize you when we get to Driftveil?"

Now that he mentioned it, how would I hide my identity? The mask and uniform were great, but I couldn't very well just waltz into a public facility wearing such shady garb. Wait a second! I then remembered that Nate had a Zorua. I had heard her calling out to me while I was rescuing the young Trainers' stolen Pokémon. Zorua could cast illusions, capable of disguising itself and any being it focused its power on. That was it!

"Hey Nate, can I borrow your Zorua? I have an idea," I asked.

"I guess so... why?" He tossed his Zoura's Poké Ball to me. He had good aim, and I was able to catch it with ease.

"Zorua is known as the Tricky Fox Pokémon. It can disguise itself to look like any Pokémon, or even a person if they're experienced enough," I explained. "Though it hasn't been recorded too often, it can disguise actual people. Both my friend and I had used this ability quite a few times, actually."

"So you want Zorua to change your appearance? Great idea," Hugh commented.

"When you're one of the most recognizable people in Unova, you get good at finding ways to hide your identity," I said, shrugging. "I'll show you how it works when we get back to Driftveil."

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