46| The Eighth Badge

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Several weeks had passed since the battle with Ghetsis and Black Kyurem

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Several weeks had passed since the battle with Ghetsis and Black Kyurem. Nate, Hugh, and I decided to take a break after all the fighting  and we did a little more sightseeing on Unova's east side, checking out Black City and even getting to explore the Abundant Shrine. It was a nice change of pace from the constant rushing around we did when we were traveling with Hilbert and Bianca.

   Hugh's injuries eventually healed, though the doctor said that he'd probably never stop suffering from his night terrors among other neurological problems. His parents went crazy when the found out what happened to him, and if it weren't for a lot of persuasion from my mom, they would've made him come home. Thankfully, they let him continue his journey. He was managing to cope with the aftereffects so far, and we were more than willing to listen to him if he needed someone to talk to other than his parents. Even with all of that, he seemed to be in higher spirits than usual, which I took as a good sign.

   And as for Pearls... the story there wasn't quite as fulfilling. Lily was reunited with her precious Purrloin, now turned Liepard, and neither could recognize the other. Lily tried her best to welcome Pearls back but the Dark-type would only growl and hiss at her. It turned out that after spending so many years with Umbra, Pearls forgot Lily entirely and had become another 'loyal' Plasma Pokémon. The only thing Lily could really do for Pearls was to treat her kindly and act like she was a member of the family. The nurse at the Aspertia Pokémon Center said that it would be like giving Pearls therapy. The coaxing and relaxing environment could eventually calm her down, and hopefully return her to her normal, once-playful self. That fact alone was more than enough for Lily.

   As we continued traveling, Nate's bond with August grew stronger. The time she listened to him in the Great Chasm wasn't a fluke. Bow told me that when Nate was willing to put himself in harm's way to protect her, she realized how much he really cared for her and decided to return the favor by becoming his most loyal Pokémon. It was funny considering how much she hated him right up until then.

   Once we were done seeing the sights of eastern Unova, we made our way back to Undella Town and traveled through the town's underwater Marine Tube in order to get to Humilau City. Humilau was a city of water, water, and more water. It was Unova's more popular summer vacation destination, like Undella, except with less private villas. It was also the home of Unova's eighth Gym. Naturally, it was a Water-type Gym.

   "Welcome to the Humilau City Gym, are you here to challenge Gym Leader Marlon?" the Gym's attendant asked.

   "Yeah, is he in right now?" Nate replied.

   "He isn't at the moment, he should be back in a few minutes. I don't know what's up with him honestly..."

   "Why, what's wrong with him?" I asked.

   "Nothing, really. About five minutes ago, he came bursting through the lobby doors ranting on about how perfect the water was and how he was going for a quick swim."

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