21| Driftveil Shadows

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After finding out that Hugh had gone missing, the next day felt like a blur

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After finding out that Hugh had gone missing, the next day felt like a blur. Rosa and I spent the night at Rood's place and left the next day with Rood saying that we were welcome to stay again if we wanted to.

   "Take this with you, I know you'll treat her with kindness," Rood said as I left. He handed me what Rosa called a Dusk Ball. Inside was a cute foxlike Pokémon Rosa's Pokédex had said was a Zorua. I thanked Rood for my new Pokémon and bid him farewell, excited to learn what this little Pokémon would be capable of.

   Like usual Rosa went to search for Pokémon, leaving me to wander the city on my own. Some time later I found myself in front of the Driftveil City Gym. I didn't have anything else to do, so I challenged the Gym.

   It was easy, ridiculously easy. I wanted to use Zorua, but I ended up using only Saber because the Gym Leader used nothing but Ground-type Pokémon. I was sure he had a Krokorok? I didn't really remember because of how easily it went down.

   The only reason I could recall Krokorok's name was because it was the last Pokémon Saber defeated before he evolved. Saber emitted a powder blue light and his shape changed. He was now on all fours and had hard shells plating his legs, tail, and head. He looked nothing like the Oshawott I once had, but he was still my Saber, and I was so proud to see him fully evolved. It hardly seemed like half an hour had gone by when I stepped out of the Gym, the Quake Badge in my hand and Saber by my side.

   Because I thought he needed a stronger Water-type move other than Razor Shell, I used the HM Colress had given me and taught Surf to Saber. The Quake Badge allowed me to use Surf outside of battle, and I decided to test it out. I rode on Saber around Driftveil's bay for a while, getting soaked in seawater in the process. As a result, I had to chill in the Pokémon Center until I dried off. Maybe going for an impromptu swim wasn't the best thing to do in the fall.

   Later in the day, I was walking near the Driftveil market when I saw a Tranquil flying very low overhead, no more than two stories off the ground. It was scanning the ground, as if searching for something. It saw me and squawked loudly, diving towards the ground as it did so. I covered my head and ducked, afraid it was dive-bombing me. Instead, it landed on the ground at my feet. It looked up at me and chirped.

   She's asking if you're Nate, Soul said from inside his ball.

   How does some random Tranquil know me? I wondered. "Uh... yeah, I'm Nate," I said to the Flying-type. It chirped again and raised its right leg, teetering in place to keep its balance. I was momentarily confused when I saw that it had an Xtransceiver attached to its leg. I carefully removed the device. It had red and black designs on its white surface and was a relatively new model. I turned the thing over and saw a name stamped on the other side. It read, "Hugh Vallance." What?! I stared at the Tranquil, mouth slightly agape and not sure what to think of what this meant. The Tranquil began chirping wildly.

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