48| Rite of Passage

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Might as well start off strong! I thought as I sent out Coral

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Might as well start off strong! I thought as I sent out Coral. If any of my teammates could take a lot of damage and still remain standing, it was my Lapras. Nate let out Soul and the battle commenced.

   "Soul, use Energy Ball!"

   "Coral, Ice Beam!" Soul looked as if he was going to attack first, but the sharp claw Coral wore around her neck glowed bright white, giving her a momentary speed boost and allowing her to attack. I had picked up that Quick Claw at a Poké Mart weeks ago, and this was the first time it had activated. Coral shot at line of ice at Psychic-type, knocking it back. Dang it, it didn't freeze him! "Now use Water Pulse!"

   "Use Energy Ball again, and make it connect!" Nate ordered.

   It's not like I wanted it to miss! Soul argued. He summoned a light green ball of energy and split it in two, launching them at Coral right afterwards. Coral spat a vertical disc of water that spread out into several smaller rings that trailed behind the first. The Water Pulse intercepted the first Energy Ball but was unable to stop the second. The light sailed over Coral's attack and hit her, shoving her backwards. I frowned when Coral's body emitted a brief blue glow, meaning that her Special Defense was lowered.

   "Coral, be careful and try using Blizzard," I said. It was a risky move, but if it hit, it would pay off in the long run.

   "Soul, use Psychic!"

   Because Soul was naturally faster than Coral, he got his attack in first. He held out his arms and Coral was surrounded by a pink aura. To my shock, Coral was lifted high off the ground and suspended in midair. Soul then quickly spread his arms wide and Coral fell to the ground, slamming into the hard-packed dirt and sending dust flying. The dust cleared, and I saw that Coral had fainted.

   "You did a good job, Coral, return." I sent out a Pokémon that I knew was faster than Soul. "Nightwing, you can do this!" my Unfezant emerged from her ball and landed lightly on the ground. Her eyes narrowed, and she squawked loudly when she saw Soul. "Okay, Nightwing. Try to finish him off with an Air Slash!"

   "Soul, Psyshock!"

   Nightwing took off into the air at a nearly blinding speed, dodging Soul's attack before it could anywhere near her. She tucked in her wings and dove straight at Soul, pulling up at the last possible second and raking him with her talons. Soul was knocked out and replaced with Surge. To say that Nightwing was shocked by Surge's entrance would be no exaggeration. I recalled my fainted Unfezant and replaced her with Citrine. If anything, Citrine's Brick Break could do a decent amount of damage. Surge and Citrine battled it out for a few turns before knocking each other out. Citrine's High Jump Kick mostly missed and the recoil damage finished him off while the bit of damage he did knocked out Surge. Next up were Lilith and Tesla.

   "Use Thunder Punch, Tesla!"

   "Retaliate!" Lilith raced towards Tesla, trailing red-stained cherry blossom petals behind her as Tesla charged up a volt of electricity in his left arm. Lilith struck Tesla right as he swung his clenched fist and the two took damage at the same time. Tesla took advantage of being shoved back and began generating electricity between his wires. Lilith ran at him, ready to use Crunch and Tesla struck her with another Thunder Punch.

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