47| Victory Road

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The path we decided to travel worked out a lot better then we had first thought

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The path we decided to travel worked out a lot better then we had first thought. I guess we weren't the first who didn't want to cut through the Giant Chasm because there was a rough trail hacked from the tall grass and other undergrowth. All three of us were more than used to camping out at this point, and with the weather being slightly warmer due to spring approaching, it wasn't too bad.

   After Rosa held us up with another one of her Pokédex catching sprees (according to her, she needed to catch a wild Rufflet), we finally came to the end of Route 23, and the entrance of Victory Road.

   Just like Marlon had described it, Victory Road was a huge mountain range with the vague outline of a path twisting its way through dozens of small cave entrances. Situated at the top of the rocky range was a cluster of stone buildings. I couldn't make out many details, but I could see that the largest building had a huge dome for a roof. That had to be it, that had to be the Pokémon League. The place I had strived to get to over the past months was in my sights, and I wouldn't ever forget this initial sight.

   Victory Road itself was more of a series of tunnels than an actual road. Dark, winding passages filled with stale air, dead ends galore, and no clear path to speak of. It reminded me all too much of the Giant Chasm's cave system.

   We encountered other Trainers trying to get to the League themselves and if they wanted to battle, we accepted their challenges without hesitation. I was confident in my Pokémon's abilities, and I wasn't going pass up the extra experience. Ever since August began trusting me, she became my MVP, right behind Saber of course. I only used her when I had to since she was so over-leveled when it came to the rest of my team. Hilbert was right when he said that August would try to be my most loyal teammate.

   After spending more than enough time trying to figure out where we had to go, we emerged out of Victory Road and onto a cobblestone path that led to the mountain's summit. The buildings of the League were drenched in the light of the setting sun and the main building's dome reflected that light like a mirror. We were so close now, we only had to continue on for a little while longer.

   Once we reached the League, the buildings' functions became clear. There was a Pokémon Center, a smaller building with a sign labeled "Transportone way trip," hung near its door, and the domed building I saw from Victory Road's base. The dome had many tall pillars holding it up with high stone fencing filling the gaps, preventing any of us from seeing what was inside. Each building was painted with the same washed-out tans and greens, giving them the appearance of a long-lost civilization.

   "This is the League?" I questioned out loud. "It looks a lot... lonelier than I imagined."

   "Well, it is a place where only the strongest can go and the extremely tenacious can actually get to it. I think it's fitting in all honesty," Hugh said.

   "It's kind of funny. My goal never was to collect the badges or anything like that, yet here I am," Rosa said as she stared at the main building. "It's strangely off-putting."

   "I'm happy you made the trek up here with us. I would've felt bad leaving you back in Humilau or at the Road's base. I don't know what you're planning to do now though," I said. I was surprised Rosa had come up here with us in the first place. It may have sounded rude to say this, but she had no real reason to be here. Once I thought that, I immediately wanted to take it back. She had traveled with us this entire time, there was no way she would want to split up now.

   "There's a Pokémon Center here. I can wait there until you guys finish your battles or whatever it is you're going to do here."

   "Speaking of which, how do we get in?" I asked.

   "I dunno, maybe we should ask the guy that looks like a guard. He looks like he knows what he's doing." Hugh pointed to the lone man standing in front of the main building, blocking a pair of metal gates. He was dressed in dark clothing and looked like he was taking his job way too seriously.

   "Welcome to the Unova Pokémon League," the guard greeted us sternly. "If you want to challenge the Elite Four, I'll need to make sure you have collected all eight badges." Hugh and I presented our badges and the man counted them off in a painstaking amount of time.

   "Aspertia's Basic Badge, Virbank's Toxic Badge, Castelia's Insect Badge, Nimbasa's Bolt Badge, Driftveil's Quake Badge, Mistralton's Jet Badge, Opelucid's Legend Badge, and finally, Humilau's Wave Badge," the guard finished. "You both have permission to challenge the Elite Four... but only one of you may enter at a time."

   "Why's that?" I asked.

   The guard shrugged. "Something about time management or challengers being mixed up. All the Leagues used to let multiple Trainers challenge the Elite Four at once. Then it got out of hand, and the League Board decided it would be best if one challenger would enter at a time. Don't ask me why they tried it in the first place. I stand here for hours on end waiting for the occasional Trainer to make it all the way up here. I'm in no place to question the higher-ups."

   "Oh, okay..?" I said, wondering why the guard added that last part. "Soooo... how're we gonna decide who gets to go in first?"

   "Come on, Nate. There's only one way we can decide," Hugh said, smirking.

   I knew that smirk of his, and I already knew where he was going with this, but I played along. "Oh yeah? What's that?" I responded sarcastically.

   "The only thing that seems to decide everything in this world: a Pokemon battle!"

   "Six on six, no holding back?" I asked.

   "You know it," Hugh replied. "We haven't battled each other in ages, so let's make this one count for all it's worth!"

   I grinned. "You're on!"

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