10| Sightseeing in the Sewers

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I followed Hugh and my sister off the boat and onto the huge slab of cobblestone known as Prime Pier

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I followed Hugh and my sister off the boat and onto the huge slab of cobblestone known as Prime Pier. For a few moments I stood motionless, marveling at the city before me. The nearest building was at least fifty stories high! The sheer contrast in looks between Castelia and Aspertia was like comparing a Roggenrola to an Aggron. Yeah, they had a thing or two in common, but otherwise they were different in every other way.

Rosa grabbed me by the shoulder and shook me. "Hey, Nate! You can gawk at Castelia later, some people are here to talk to us. Looks like my plans of sightseeing are going to be put on hold for now."

"Who?" I looked away from the building and immediately noticed two people standing nearby, talking to Hugh. One was a tall, middle-aged man dressed in varying shades of green and he had fluffed-out brown hair. The other was a girl around mine and Rosa's age with long purple hair put in a ponytail and she was wearing a simple tan long-sleeved shirt and white leggings.

"Their names are Burgh and Iris. They're here to talk to us about the Neo Plasma incident," Rosa explained.

"And you think they're here?" Hugh asked.

   The man apparently named Burgh nodded.
"We just received a call from Roxie. No one matching your description was found on Route 20 or the surrounding forest," he said. "There was one less ship docked at Virbank's harbor, if it wasn't taken by the runaways, we don't know who." He looked at Rosa and me. "Do either of you have anything to contribute?"

"Um, not exactly," I said. "Hugh, did you fill them in on everything?"

"Well, yeah. Of course I did!" Hugh replied. "Those thieves need to be caught and punished!"

"Wait a second!" Iris' dark brown eyes lit up. "Burgh, didn't No. 18 mention something about being sent to Virbank?"

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Should we explain?" Iris' gaze turned up to Burgh's. They seemed to exchange a conversation through their eyes. Burgh looked skeptical while Iris looked determined to get her way.

"Iris, I don't know—"

"Cheren told me about these Trainers. He called me the other day and talked about these young Trainers he met called Rosa, Nate, and Hugh," Iris said. "He made a comment about how promising of Trainers the boys were," she added in almost a whisper. I didn't know whether Rosa or Hugh heard her. Yep, I know I'm great at battling. I knew I wouldn't get tired of hearing that. Call me vain but it was true. Then I heard Iris mention something else.

"It reminded him of Hilbert," she said.

Wait, do they know that Hilbert guy? I thought.

Burgh looked pensive. His eyes flitted from me, to Hugh, then back to Iris. After a minute or so, he let out a heavy sigh. "Fine, you can tell them while I call 18." Burgh turned his back to us.

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