42| Supposed Revenge

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"Tangrowth... Power Whip."

   Hearing that command brought back every bad memory I had tried and failed to push away. It did more than dredge up the memories, it made them overflow, filling my mind like a flooded stream overflowing its banks. My first response was to duck, and just as I did the glowing vine arced over me. I could feel the breeze the red-hot flora created when it passed just inches over my head. If I hadn't thought fast and ducked when I did... Arceus, no..!

   "Flaris, Flamethrower! Tesla, use Thunderbolt! Nightwing, use Air Slash!" I began yelling out the names of the moves my teammates knew, saying the first thing that came to mind.

   "Fury Swipes!"

   "Poison Jab!"

   The responding orders left the mouths of the Triad more fiercely than I had ever heard them speak before. I scrambled to my feet and saw the madness that had begun around me. Every one of my Pokémon was already locked in a battle against one or more of the Triad's Pokémon. They outnumbered my team by three and my partners were struggling to make up the numbers they lacked.

   "Power Whip!"

   I instinctively jumped out of the way and right where I was previously standing was a vine buried several inches into the rocky ground, cracks rupturing out from the vine made contact. I looked at Kage and both he and Tangrowth were staring at me. They weren't interested in my Pokémon, I couldn't be more wrong in guessing that.

   "Keep still, and it'll be over faster!" Kage snapped. "Tangrowth, Slam!"

   Tangrowth raised both its arms and slammed them down. Once again I managed to dodge the attack, but just barely. I was no longer in fight mode, my mind flipped a switch and I had turned to flight. I had to get out of here. So long as my Pokémon were preoccupied, they wouldn't be able to help me. Or if I couldn't run, I needed to find a different way to stall Kage. As much as I hated running at this point, it was my one chance at surviving, and I could only dodge for so long until I messed up.

   Kage must have guessed that I was going to run because Tangrowth's attacks began coming from my right, the direction that the cave system was in. To my left was the battling swarm of Pokémon. I couldn't exactly tell who was winning or losing but it looked like my Pokémon were holding up fine.

   As the Power Whips, Slams, and Knock Offs kept coming, I yelled out commands for my teammates while ducking, jumping, and diving away from whatever attack Tangrowth threw at me. It felt like I was running some sort of morbid obstacle course, except that tripping or missing a jump would get me killed.

   At one point, Flaris roasted the two Bisharp he was battling, and I felt a rush of hope that he could help me. My hope was immediately destroyed when the corrupted Pearls leapt onto him and started clawing him. I couldn't do it, I couldn't tell Flaris to hurt her! But I had to. If I didn't, Flaris could be knocked out. I clenched my eyes shut and told Flaris to use Arm Thrust. The disgusting sound of flesh slamming into flesh and hearing Pearls yowl in pain almost made me sick. I'm sorry, Pearls!

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