23| A Destructive Design

420 33 18

It had been about an hour— I didn't know, I wasn't counting —since No

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It had been about an hour— I didn't know, I wasn't counting —since No. 18 had left. He promised that he would come back for later tonight so he could help us escape. If we did get out of here, I knew I would be forever in his debt. I mean, he did save my life.

   Rosa and I sat in silence against the back wall of our cell. Even if we wanted to talk, we couldn't. Well, Rosa couldn't at least. In the fading light, I could see ugly-looking black bruises ringing my sister's neck. I hadn't noticed them earlier, so either they had shown up recently or I had been too preoccupied with trying not to bleed out, and I was pretty sure it was the latter. By now the blood I couldn't wipe away from my hands had dried, streaking them red. It was sickening. I hated seeing blood and I could barely look at any, let alone my own, without feeling nauseous.

   "How... how long... have we been... s-stuck here?" Rosa choked out, sounding like she had swallowed nails.

   "I dunno, we were thrown in here a while before you woke up and it was pretty light out. So I'm guessing a day at the most?" I replied.

"... Th-thank you..." Rosa then wheezed. "For... sh-shielding me."

"You don't need to thank me," I said. "You've always tried to protect me, and I need to do the same." A lump formed in my throat. "I... I can't imagine life without you."

"Me t-too," Rosa said. She smiled at me. Though it was weak, it was genuine. That smile somehow made everything seem better, and I returned it.

   It was pretty late into the night, and I was just beginning to nod off when I heard two quiet knocks at the cell door. I jolted awake, the sudden movement causing a sharp pain to rip through my gut. I gritted my teeth against the pain and shook Rosa awake. The door opened a second later, revealing No. 18, Hugh, and Lucy who had become a living lantern again. I was instantly relieved to see Hugh. Other than a jagged tear in the front of his jacket and a trickle of dried blood on his face, he looked fine.

   "Nate, Rosa! Come on!" Hugh whispered. Rosa stood up and helped me get to my feet as well. It took every ounce of mental strength I had to not double over. I put my arm around Rosa's shoulders and she supported me as we walked to the door. I could've walked on my own, but I felt too weak to object.

   "Here. You might need these." 18 held up both of our backpacks as well as my belt with my Pokemon's Poké Balls still attached to it. "They never guard anything in the cargo hold, so it wasn't too hard to get them." I managed to slip my bag and belt on, feeling more secure the instant I had my Pokémon again. I had missed their presence terribly.

   Nate, I thought I would never see you again! Soul's voice echoed.

   Aw c'mon, you know I wouldn't leave any of you, I thought back, not wanting to risk talking in case someone happened to be listening. I removed Saber's ball from my belt and presented it to 18. "You asked if we had any Water-types? The only one we have between us is Saber, my Samurott."

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