15| Plasma and the Two Psychics

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"We're he-re!" Rosa sang happily

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"We're he-re!" Rosa sang happily. "Nimbasa City, Unova's entertainment hotspot!"

   She was right. With a amusement park, the Pokemon musical, a new theater to show movies from Pokestar Studies among several sports stadiums, the one word to sum up Nimbasa in a nutshell was "entertain." But of course, that wasn't the reason why we came here.

   "Alright, where's the Gym at? I want to get my fourth badge right away," I said.

   "It's supposed to be in the amusement park. The Leader is a woman named Elesa who specializes in Electric-type Pokemon," Rosa explained. "We actually watched a show featuring her team once."

   "Really? When was that?"

   "The day we got our starters, coincidentally enough! But somebody turned the T.V. off before I could see what her team was," Rosa said, one eyebrow raised.

   "Don't blame me. I didn't even know Elesa was a Leader until three seconds ago," I said plainly. "She doesn't sound like that hard of a person to defeat."

   Rosa sighed and slung her arm around my shoulders. "My naïve brother, did you really just forget that Elesa uses Electric-types? How do you think Saber would hold up against any of her Pokémon. Or how about Surge? You of all people should know that a successful Trainer needs to have varied types of Pokémon."

   "When did you become such a battling expert?" I muttered.

   "Come on, Nate. Anyone with a basic knowledge of type matchups knows your odds of winning this without pure luck or power are nearly zero."

   "Then I guess I need new Pokémon, don't I?" I snapped. Over-leveling was one of the main things that helped me get my first three badges, so what made her so sure I would lose? But after a minute of actually thinking it through, Rosa was right. Elesa would use three Pokémon against me whether they were good matchups or not. And who could handle an Electric-type? Lilith, just Lilith. Yeah, Rosa was definitely right. Without adding a new member to my team, I'd be screwing myself over before I even challenged Elesa.

    "There's a nice selection of Pokémon on Route 16," Rosa suggested. "I'm sure you can find something there."

   "I can find a new Pokémon, and you can go on another one of your catching sprees. It's a win-win situation," I said. "You're just lucky that I'm gonna let you catch Pokémon before I challenge another Gym."

   "This is the last time, I promise," Rosa said.

   "Yeah, sure," I said sarcastically. 

   We were trying to find the Route 16 entrance on Rosa's Town Map when over the top of the map I saw a small group of familiarly dressed people slip past us. Neo Plasma grunts? I quietly told Rosa and we watched as they made their way into an alleyway. How come no one else saw this? Well, we were on a kind of side street.

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