06| A Catching Spree in the Complex

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I watched as Cheren's Lillipup collapsed to the ground once again, knocked out

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I watched as Cheren's Lillipup collapsed to the ground once again, knocked out. Cheren gave Hugh a Basic Badge of his own, congratulating him on his victory. He asked me if I wanted to challenge him but I declined. My goal wasn't to collect the badges, it was to help Professor Juniper in her research. And if I filled the Pokédex, maybe Juniper would let me become one of her assistants!

Instead of the battle, I asked Cheren where the nearest place with varied Pokémon was. He looked thoughtful for a moment, then mentioned a place called the Virbank Complex in the next city over.

"The Virbank Complex is south of Virbank City. Just head along Route 20, and you'll get to Virbank eventually. It should be a twenty minute walk at the most," Cheren said. "There's also a Gym there," he added, saying it loud enough for Nate and Hugh to hear it.

"Who's the Leader there?" Nate asked.

"Her name's Roxie, she's a Poison-type specialist," Cheren replied. "And she's also the leader of a band. Her Gym's down in an underground venue. I don't know too much about her since she's just as new a Gym Leader as I am, but I would have to guess she's a fan of poisoning her opponents."

"Poison?" Hugh took out one of the Pecha berries the ranch lady had given us. "It's a good thing we have these, then."

Cheren nodded in agreement. "Like I said, Virbank's a little ways down Route 20, you can't miss it," he repeated. After thanking him and saying goodbye, he left for Aspertia City and we were on our way to Virbank City.


Unlike Aspertia, Virbank was a much larger city. It was a port town where every building was built from gray stone and steel. Bridges extended over canals where the calm water was the deepest blue I had ever seen. The air smelled salty with a faint hint of smoke, and I could hear the sound of waves crashing up against the docks.

Nate wanted to go to the Gym but I told him that the Virbank Complex was the first thing we were going to check out. Hugh didn't need much convincing, he thought the complex would have some interesting Pokémon in it.

With an intense intrigue and a backpack full of extra Poké Balls I had spent most of my money on, I set out on my first Pokémon catching spree.

The complex was much like the city: gray, steely, and the smell of smoke, only now it was the one thing I could smell. The second I breathed in that stew of... who-knows-what, I broke down into a coughing fit. I'd always had sensitive lungs, so whatever was in the air made the back of my throat burn. Nate and Hugh asked me if I was okay and I said yes. I pulled my shirt over my nose and mouth, I wasn't going to let a little smoke stop me!

"You guys go find some Trainers to battle or something. I've got work to do," I said.

Without giving them time to answer, I headed deeper into the complex, determined to catch whatever I could find.

An undetermined amount of time had passed and I had amassed quite the collection of newly-caught Pokémon. I used over half of my Poké Balls and I was glad I did, they took up a lot of space in my backpack.

"... Magby, Elekid, Magnemite, and... Pidove!" I finished scanning the caught Pokémon. I had captured two of every Pokémon in the complex, knowing that giving Juniper a pair of each would show how different each Pokemon was, even if they were the same species.

I managed to find Nate and Hugh waiting around the complex's entrance. Apparently, they had been waiting for me for over half an hour. It turned out Hugh's Tepig had evolved into Pignite when he was battling a wild Pidove. Hugh sent out the newly-evolved Flaris and I got its basic data.

"Pignite, the Fire Pig Pokémon, and the evolved form of Tepig. The more it eats, the more fuel it has to make the fire in its stomach stronger. This fills it with even more power," my Pokédex said.

Nate then took notice of how many Poké Balls were in my backpack when I put my Pokédex away.

"Uh, sis? I know you wanna impress Professor Juniper and everything, but I think you're going a little overboard," Nate said, staring wide-eyed at my haul.

"It's like you caught two of every Pokémon here!" Hugh said.

"About that..." I said sheepishly.

"You're serious?! Rosa, you can't do that," Hugh said. "I'm pretty sure the Professor doesn't need two of each complex Pokémon. Release some of them."

"But I..." I bit my tongue, my excuses wouldn't be enough, I knew that for sure. I huffed. "Okay, I'll release them. However, you and Nate could have some of the extras. Especially you, Hugh. How far do you think you can get with one Pokémon, even if it's evolved?"

"She's got a point," Nate said.

Hugh sighed heavily. "I know, I know... fine. Tell me what Pokémon you caught before I change my mind."

I listed every Pokémon I had. Hugh seemed interested in Elekid while Nate wanted Magnemite. I gave them the Electric-types and they chose nicknames for them. Elekid was re-nicknamed Tesla and Magnemite was given the name Surge. I didn't want any of the remaining extras, so I let them go. With my business finished, we left the complex.

Night was starting to fall, so the three of us booked overnight rooms at the Virbank Pokémon Center. I deposited my catches into the P.C. and the nurse was able to tell me how to use the P.C.'s transfer function. After sending the Pokémon Juniper's way, I retreated to my rented room.

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