36| Versus the Dragon Master

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We left Lacunosa Town as soon as humanly possible and arrived in Opelucid City two days later

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We left Lacunosa Town as soon as humanly possible and arrived in Opelucid City two days later. The one word to describe Opelucid would be... futuristic. The whole city was made out of gray stone, glimmering silver metal, and neon blue lights. Even the street performers played instruments like electric guitars and violins. There was not a blade of grass or natural earth anywhere. It looked like something out of a sci-fi movie.

"I-it looked nothing like this the last time I was here," Hilbert said in shock as he stared at the uniform buildings.

"Really? I'd never even been here until now," I said.

"Everything used to be rustic and old-fashioned. It used to be beautiful, not... this!" he said incredulously.

"Opelucid wanted to look towards the future, and not linger in the past," a man with white hair, a sharply cut beard, and dressy clothes said as he walked up to us. He crossed his muscular arms and sighed. "Believe me, I don't like it much either. It's all too flashy for my taste."

"You're... Drayden, right?" Hilbert asked. "Iris told me about you. We were actually meaning to have a meeting with you."

"Well, this is an incredible coincidence!" Nate said.

"Talk about good timing," Hugh added.

Bianca slowly raised her hand, smiling sheepishly. "Um... I actually called Drayden right before we got here and told him that we would be waiting by the Pokemon Center," she admitted. "Sorry if that ruined the mood or something."

Drayden acknowledged Bianca with a curt nod. "You did inform me of your arrival, and I'll consider having that meeting. But there's a catch, you'll have to wait until Gym hours are over. After all, I am the Leader of the Opelucid Gym, and I can't leave any Trainers waiting. Earning the Legend Badge is a very important event."

"Can I have a battle then?" Nate asked.

"Same here. Both of us are challenging the League, and we need our seventh badges," Hugh added.

"Both of you? Then how about a Double Battle?" Drayden offered.

"OhthankArceus!" Nate sighed, his words coming out as a jumbled mess of syllables. He looked as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

"Why do you look so relieved? It's not like you to be so worried over a Gym battle," Hugh said.

"One word. Dragons," Nate said. "That's what I'm worried about."

"Not to sound discouraging, but he's right. Dragon-types are the most formidable type out there, and they don't go down easily. That's why I proposed a Double Battle. You need all the help you can get," Drayden said.

"That's comforting to know," Hugh muttered. "I'm willing to do it if you are, Nate."

"Why wouldn't I want to? It'll be like when we battled Roxie! Hopefully I won't have to worry about any Poison Tails this time."

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