18| Two Kinds of Traitors

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Like Rosa had said we would, we reached Driftveil City just as the sun was setting

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Like Rosa had said we would, we reached Driftveil City just as the sun was setting. Driftveil was a surprisingly unlit city at night with only a few sparsely placed streetlights. It was a perfect place to run around at night without being noticed, let alone seen. No wonder Neo Plasma had first been sighted here, as long as they moved at night, they wouldn't be given a second glance.

   We entered the Pokémon Center and asked for a room, only to be told that every room had been booked. We had to spend the night outside. The nurse apologized and said that the rooms were being taken early because of the increasing cold as the nights passed. Rosa had to practically drag me back outside after I flat-out refused to leave the Center. As soon as we left the heated building, the icy wind assaulted us, and I knew we were screwed.

   "So... where should we camp?" Rosa asked.

   "I-I dunno, the next route?" I asked back, shivering. Rosa put her arm around me and pulled me close to her. My pride usually would have made me pull away, but the bit of extra warmth my sister gave off was a relief.

"Good idea," she said, giving me a comforting smile. "We'll find a good spot in the woods there and start up a nice fire, okay?"

   We wandered around Driftveil for several minutes, not exactly sure what to do. Neither of us wanted to leave the safety of the city, but we had no choice if we wanted to sleep that night. Except for the occasional late night wanderer, there was no one but us on the streets. We were approaching the Route 6 entrance when a man's voice called out to us.

   "Hey you kids! Stop right there!"

   We turned to look behind us and I saw dark figures quickly approaching us through the darkness. One partially passed under a streetlight and I saw what one of them looked like. They were wearing Neo Plasma uniforms.

   "Nate, run!" Rosa cried. She grabbed my hand so we wouldn't get separated, and we booked it down the street. Trying to battle was useless because I had no idea how many of them there were, not to mention it was very dark by then. There was only the sound of pounding footsteps and our heavy breathing. Rosa eventually pulled me down an alley and we were enveloped in complete blackness. Several people ran past the alley a second later and they continued running farther down the street they thought we were on. As soon as we thought they were far enough away, Rosa and I left the alley and ran back the way we came, Rosa still clenching my hand tightly.

   "I... I can't... believe... that just... happened," I gasped, trying to catch my breath.

   "Same here..." Rosa replied. We ran on, trying to put as much distance as we could between us and the Neo Plasma members. Soon we found ourselves on a street near the Pokemon Center.

   "What do we do now?" I asked fearfully.

   "Well... we know Route 6 is off-limits for camping," Rosa said.

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