33| Sandy Beaches, Frigid Breezes

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"Saber, use Aqua Jet!"

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"Saber, use Aqua Jet!"

   Nate's Samurott rushed towards Charlotte, cloaked in a high-powered stream of water. I smiled, this was playing out exactly like I had planned.

   "Dodge and use Electroweb!" I commanded. Charlotte dug her claws into the sand and launched herself into the air, leaping over Saber and dodging his attack. She flipped onto her back in midair and shot an electricity-laced spider web at Saber. He was ensnared by the web and tumbled to the ground.

   "Use Slash to get out!" Nate yelled.

   "Quickly use Thunderbolt!" I countered. Before Saber was able to slash his way out of the web, Charlotte generated a bolt of lightning and electrocuted the Water-type. Saber collapsed, knocked out.

   "Yes, yes, yes!" I squealed joyfully, jumping in place as I did. My heart soared, and I never felt more alive.

   "Nice job, sis!" Nate congratulated me. "Now let's try Suki against Soul. You need more practice when it comes to Special Attack type-advantages." He sent out Soul, who had since evolved into a Reuniclus. Of course, Bow evolved right alongside her pseudo-sibling into a Gothitelle. 

   A few days ago, we had finally arrived in Undella Town. We said good-bye to Suri and we unanimously decided to take a much-needed rest. Bianca was going to leave too but Hilbert convinced her to stay with us for a while longer. Obviously, she didn't mind that. While she and Hugh were out on Route 14 and Hilbert was busy doing something back at the Pokemon Center, Nate was giving me the training he had promised me back when he won his third badge.

   "Okay, let's go Suki!" I sent out my new Mienfoo. I was going through with my normal routine on Route 14 when I saw that there were wild Mienfoo there. I thought my team needed a Fighting-type, so I caught a second Mienfoo and added her to my team as my sixth team member. I was impressed with how good of a Pokémon she was. She was pretty powerful for being so recently caught.

   "Remember, we're focusing on countering Special Attacks," Nate reminded me.

   "I know, let's get started!" I said, ready for anything he could throw at me. Suki sensed my confidence and got into a fighting stance, letting out a sharp battle cry. "Start off with Calm Mind!" I ordered. Suki put her paw-like hands together and hummed quietly to herself. She emitted a calming pink aura, and her defenses were raised.

   "Raising stats, huh? That's so you, Rosa!" Nate laughed. "Soul, use Psychic!"

   "Suki, Detect!" I countered.

   Suki created a dome of light around herself as she was hit with a powerful psychic blast. She received some of the attack, but she blocked most of it.

   "Clever move, too bad you can't use it for the next few turns! Use Psychic again!"

   "Use Force Palm!"

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