41| Facing the Shadows

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Words could not describe how relieved I felt when Nate and Rosa showed up

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Words could not describe how relieved I felt when Nate and Rosa showed up. When I heard the ice seal shatter, I thought it was Kage and that it would be all over for me. But to my complete surprise and shock, three people I thought I had never seen before were the ones who broke it. Even more shocking was that it turned out that they were not only my friends, but someone else who Hilbert referred to as his best friend. In those few moments where everyone was just talking with each other, I felt utterly safe. But sadly, given the current situation, those moments were over far too quickly.

   "Step one is completed. Now, we need to proceed with the rest of our plan," the guy who called himself N said thoughtfully. "That is what I would say if we didn't have one small problem. Your Pokémon, you don't have them."

   "Don't look at me, I don't know where they could be," I muttered. I was worried sick about Flaris and my other teammates, and not knowing where they were amplified my anxiety.

   "That isn't a problem, I know where they are," N said, shocking me with how he heard what I said. "Rosa, could you go shatter the other ice seal? They're in there, I'm sure of it." Rosa nodded and left the cavern. A few minutes later she returned, three backpacks clutched in her arms. Hilbert, Bianca and I got our bags back and checked to make sure nothing was stolen. Everything was in its rightful place, and even better was that the belt I kept my Poké Balls on along with my Xtransceiver was in there as well. One thing that did bother me however was that Rosa said there was no sign of Drayden.

   "Now that everyone is equipped, we can continue the plan," N said.

   "What about Drayden?" Nate interjected.

   N's eyes narrowed and he tossed an irritated look Nate's way. "We continue the plan, and whether we find that Leader or not purely comes down to chance. Our goal is to rescue the Legends, get back the Splicers, and stop Ghetsis. We can't afford to bother with possible liabilities."

   "Drayden isn't a liability. He could help us, and we need all the strength we can get." Rosa backed her brother up.

   N shook his head. "It doesn't matter. We're going. Now." Without another word he left the cavern. Midnus and Luna followed him but not before Luna glanced back at Hilbert in a seemingly regretful manner. She yipped quietly and left right afterwards.

   "Some 'best friend' you've got there," I said to Hilbert sarcastically.

   "No, there isn't something right with him," Hilbert said with concern. "He wasn't this harsh the last time I saw him."

   "People change, Hilbert." Bianca took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "It has been two years after all. I'm sure he's fine, don't worry about it."

   "I hope you're right," Hilbert said. "But what Luna had just said troubles me. She said that she was... worried about Natural."

   "You seem to have some connection with Luna," Rosa observed. "Back in Lentimas Town, Bianca said that she mistook Illie for Luna."

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