20| Keeping Up the Charade

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I sat on the edge of my bed, head in my hands and my mind racing

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I sat on the edge of my bed, head in my hands and my mind racing. I was so done with this! How long did they expect me to stay here? It has been three months since I agreed to do this job, and what did I have to show for it? Nothing. Nothing but the standard information every Neo Team Plasma grunt knew and the nightmares that working for these people had caused. But I knew I just couldn't give up, the fate of Unova hung on the success of my mission. I was getting nowhere, though!

   "What should I do?" I asked aloud.

   "Why are you asking me? I wasn't part of your team until you joined."

   I looked up and saw my Manetric, Po. M32 or... just Lucy, sitting on the floor in front of me. "It was a rhetorical question, Lucy," I said, rolling my eyes. She squinted at me and sniffed audibly.

   "Well sorry! How was I supposed to know that?" she replied, irritated.

   Yes, I could talk to Pokémon. I'd been able to understand every Pokémon I've ever encountered for as long as I could remember. First it started with me hearing singular words every so often. Then by the time I was four, I could understand full conversations. And not only that, I was able to talk back to them as well. It was a strange ability, but I learned to cope with it eventually.

   "Never mind..." I sighed. "If you couldn't tell, I'm just concerned about everything that's been happening."

   "If you want information so badly, why not force it out of Ghetsis and the others? You have me, not to mention your other team members. You even have Design! Just power your way to what you need, it's a no-brainer!"

   "No," I stated, my voice rising. "We are not bringing Design, or anyone else into this!" What was Lucy thinking?! If any of the Plasma grunts even caught a glimpse of Design, my cover would eventually be blown.

   "Sorry, master! I shouldn't have spoken out of line like that," Lucy apologized with a whimper.

   "It's fine, I know what you're getting at. And maybe at this point, I'm better off just getting what I need by force," I sighed. The sound of footsteps suddenly rang out in the hallway outside my room. I immediately shut my mouth and signaled for Lucy to do the same. Whoever was out there better not have heard me. Someone knocked loudly on my door.

   Did they hear me?! I quietly told Lucy to hide under my bed as I walked to my door. Before opening it I made sure my mask was pulled up far enough, the last thing I wanted was for them to see my whole face. Lastly, I made sure to tuck my hair up into my hat. I was forced to cut my hair for this mission and after a few months here, I was relived to see that it was growing out again. The person knocked once more and I told the person on the other side to wait a second. I then opened the door slightly and saw some random grunt whose number I couldn't recall at the moment.

   "What do you want?" I snapped harshly, instantly slipping back into the alter ego I had created for myself.

   "Zinzolin wants all grunts numbers 20 and under to report above deck in two minutes," the grunt said.

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