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 "Fuck" he grunted pulling out of her then rolling over on his back

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"Fuck" he grunted pulling out of her then rolling over on his back. She looked over at her fatigued husband. He started to close his eyes to fall asleep.
She rubbed his stomach her hands slowly inching down to his penis, she grabbed it when they reached their destination his eyes shot opened.
She looked at him menacingly "You tired?"
He moved her hand from his manhood "C'mon Bey as much as I hate to admit it I can't."
It wasn't the fact that he didn't want to go another round that bothered her it was the fact that he just got home an hour ago and she figured his motive for coming home and having sex with her in the first place was so she'd be too tired to ask him questions about where he was and why he was coming in so late. It didn't help her suspicion that he was never the person to turn down sex.
"Guess you got enough sex from wherever you just came from..." She said loud enough for him to hear as she rolled over.
He sucked his teeth "Yo, WHAT?!"
"Don't fucking yell at me Shawn I said what I said I'm not stupid you creeping in here after midnight for what?!"
"I can't go out and enjoy myself sometimes? You don't like the club remember?" He asked.
"Yeah yeah whatever you can tell me anything I'm not out with you."
He took a deep breath he hated when she got crazy like this there was nothing he could say to level with her when she got like this.
"Yeah that's right just huff and puff over there lyin' ass!"
"Yo, honestly you can shut up with this shit I don't know what's wrong with you but I don't like what you're insinuating" he got up and went to look for his boxers.
"Where you going? Back to the club?" She said in a sarcastic tone.
She was really testing his patience "I'm giving you your space you obviously don't want me near you I'm going into a extra room and you can hate me in here."
She rolled her eyes "Whatever nigga, go then."

She was feeding Blue in the kitchen.
"Mommy I want waffle, I want strawberry!" the toddler told her mother.
"Okay baby" she went in the freezer to get the waffles and the fridge to get the strawberries.
"DADDY!" she heard her daughter yell.
She rolled her eyes she knew that meant Jay was near. She turned around and he had their daughter in his arms.
"Good Morning" he smiled.
She closed the fridge and went to toast her daughter's waffle and cut her strawberries.
"Mommy not talk to you?" Blue asked.
"Mommy probably didn't hear daddy" he lied.
He sat his daughter down so she could eat.
It was evident he would get the silent treatment today he'd been getting that a lot lately.

He walked into the room, she was getting ready to take a shower. He had just put Blue down for the night.
"You done being mad at me?" He asked.
"No" she answered shortly.
"C'mon baby, I love you" he said grabbing her arm.
She pulled away from him "I love you too I don't love being lied to Shawn."
"Here you go calling me a liar again."
"Look this isn't going anywhere I'm going in the shower" she started to walk towards the bathroom.
"Still want that round two from last night? We can do it in the shower."
She rolled her eyes and slammed the bathroom door in his face.

Later that night she couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned. She looked over to notice her husband was sound asleep, and his phone was on the nightstand beside the bed. As quietly as she could she reached over and grabbed his phone. This wouldn't be the first time she had done this especially lately. She went to open his phone and tried the lock code. It didn't open. He changed it, strike 2 she said to herself. She hardly slept that night, wouldn't be her last sleepless night.

The next day was much of the same he was being ignored in all forms of communication he tried to make. He even got desperate and tried to used Blue to talk for him but that didn't work.
"Mommy daddy say sorry, daddy love
You" her daughter said to her.
She rolled her eyes at his sad attempt of getting to her through their daughter "I know daddy is sorry Blue Blue but daddy being sorry isn't enough."
She said that loud enough so he could hear it, she figured he was somewhere in the area.

"Why are you being so crazy?" He asked his wife.
"Not sleeping in another room tonight?"
"Not if I have a choice do I?" He inquired.
"You always have a choice Shawn, you don't always make good ones" she whispered that last part.
"I really wish you would stop this" he sighed.
"Somethin' don't feel right.." She said to herself. Your intuition is almost never wrong.

Somethin don't feel right/because ain't right/especially comin' up after midnight/I smell yo secrets/I'm not too perfect/to ever feel this worthless

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