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All star weekend. Something Bey and Jay have been attending since the beginning of their relationship. This year it was time to make it a family tradition. With Blue getting so big now it was time to see how she'd handle her first court-side game. They would go to the game later on in the evening but for now it was time to enjoy the time they were spending with Solange and her family.

Beyoncé was awaken out of her sleep by the overwhelming feeling of nausea. She could already tell this would be a day she'd be sucking on some preggy pops.
"Shit" she whispered to herself. She had been battling getting sick throughout the day lately. She struggled to get herself out of the bed but she managed to get to the bathroom just in time to make it to the toilet.
Jay was awaken by the sound of his wife being sick. He got up to go help her.
"You alright" he said still half sleep. It was sweet even though he wasn't all the way awake his first thought was to go check on her.
"Yeah baby I'm fine just woke up nauseous."
"You done? So I can help you up."
"No I'll call you, ok? Close the door please."
He did as she asked. He went to go get her some tea to help settle her stomach.
While he was waiting for the tea to heat up she called out for him.  He left the tea and went to tend to his wife.
"I think it's safe, I can get up now" she reached up so he could help her.
"I put on some tea so you can sip that."
"Thank you baby, I would kiss you but that'd be nasty."
"Yeah girl brush your teeth first" he laughed.
"I'm gonna sip on that tea and try to go back to sleep for a bit" she told him. He nodded and went to get the tea to sit it on the nightstand next to her. They both ended up drifting back to sleep.

Later that day they found themselves on the balcony with Solange, Julez, and Julez's father enjoying the festivities of New Orleans. Blue was being social talking with the people in the streets throwing beads. While her parents took pictures.

In the midst of all that excitement Blue bumped her head on the railing of the balcony and was very upset

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In the midst of all that excitement Blue bumped her head on the railing of the balcony and was very upset.
"Ouch! Mommyyy!" She whined.
"Aw, c'mere baby let mommy see" she examined her child's head to see if there was any bruises or swelling. Beyoncé rubbed Blue's forehead "You're alright baby, no boo boos."
Jay went and grabbed his little girl's hand. He couldn't stand to see her upset, even if she didn't have any bruises. He picked her up and sat her across his lap.
"Daddy's baby" he kissed her.
"It's ok lefty, don't cry."
Bey reached over to her daughter's leg and rubbed it to help comfort her. Bey turned around and noticed Solange giving her a knowing look. She knew what that look meant. They were in for a world of trouble when the twins get here. Blue is still very much their baby.
Soon after that they decided to go back inside, it had been eventful enough.

 Soon after that they decided to go back inside, it had been eventful enough

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"I can't wait to go to all the stars game!" Blue said excitedly. They were in the car headed to the game.
"All star game baby" her mother chuckled.
"Ohh" she giggled "sorry."

They were put on the Jumbotron shortly after being seated. They received cheers from people in the crowd. Blue enjoyed seeing herself on the screen. Her parents took that moment to admire their daughter pinching her cheeks and grabbing her face.

Jay tried to equally divide his time between enjoying the game, talking with some of his friends in the front row and tending to his girls

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Jay tried to equally divide his time between enjoying the game, talking with some of his friends in the front row and tending to his girls. He looked over at one point and noticed them whispering to each other like a pair of best friends.

"Mommy why does daddy watch this so much I don't get it?" Beyoncé could only laugh, truthfully she felt the same way about these games

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"Mommy why does daddy watch this so much I don't get it?" Beyoncé could only laugh, truthfully she felt the same way about these games.
Jay noticed both of them getting antsy. So naturally the way to please a five year old and her pregnant mother? CANDY!
"Here you go baby" Jay handed Blue some cotton candy he also asked for some skittles he kept them under the seat, the game was barely half way over so they'd come in handy too.
"Cotton candy?! Thank you daddy!" Her eyes literally grew looking at the candy.
"You're welcome lefty" he laughed.
"Can mommy have some Blue Blue?" Beyoncé asked.
"Oh yeah you guys can have some" she was referring to her mother and the twins, she did that sometimes.
"Don't take all my candy" she said seriously.
She shook her head "I won't."

During half time the mascot gave Blue a gift bag and a big hug

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During half time the mascot gave Blue a gift bag and a big hug. LeBron even came over to them and accidentally scared Blue with his multi-colored mouth piece. All in all they enjoyed their first all star game together as a family.

"Okay Blue when we get in we're gonna put on your pjs and go to bed" she could tell her child was still hyper from the cotton candy and skittles. Her mouth was going a mile a minute in the car and she could barely sit still.

As promised Jay got Blue in her pajamas but instead of putting her straight in bed Beyoncé discovered while going to the kitchen to get some water that Blue and her father were up and playing. This made her angry. Probably more angry than she should have been but blame it on the hormones.
"Didn't I just say she's to go straight to bed Jay? Damn!" She yelled.
He looked at her like she was crazy "Okay Bey my bad."
"Blue get in the bed, now!" She said sternly. Blue did as she was told. Beyoncé looked at Jay and rolled her eyes before going back to bed.
"Aww man" Jay said to himself after she left the room.

Jay came in the room to apologize. Beyoncé was up on her phone when he walked in.
"Look Bey you were righ--" Before he could even get the apology out he was interrupted.
"No, Jay I'm sorry I didn't have to snap on you like that" she pouted.
"It's alright I know you didn't mean to.. You did kinda hurt my feelings though" he was milking it now a fake sad face and all.
"You gonna have to kiss me to make up for it" he said bending down and puckering his lips.
She gave him a quick kiss.
"You yelled at me in front of our daughter, the twins probably heard you too, that's all I get?"
She rolled her eyes and pulled her face in for a longer more passionate kiss.
"Now change clothes so you can come cuddle with me" she told him.
"Yes ma'am, right away."

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