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"What do you think about Rumi for a girl name?" They recently discovered the gender of the twins so naturally the next step would be naming them.
She thought about it.
"Rumi" she said out loud testing the way it sounded coming from her mouth.
"It's pretty I actually love it... does this mean I get to name the boy?" She smiled.
"We already know what his name is gonna be though."
Jay was pressed on his first son being a junior but Beyoncé was able to persuade him not to name Blue Brooklyn so she figured she could change his mind in this instance too.
"If I come up with a name you like better than naming him after you then you'll agree?" She asked.
"What's a better name than Shawn Corey Carter Jr?"
"How about Sir, Sir Carter?"
He looked at her, he loved name immediately but tried to put on his best poker face so she couldn't tell she swayed him so quickly.
"Sir Carter?" He asked.
"Yeah it's only right the son of a king" she was buttering him up in hopes he would agree to the name.
"Son of a QUEEN too" he added.
"Then Sir is double perfect" she smiled.
"Hmmm, you really not gonna allow me to have my first son be my junior?"
"Y'all will  still have the same initials S.C. and S.C" she said persuading him some more.
"How long you had this thought up?" He questioned.
"You coming up with too many connections and reasons for this to be on the fly."
"I've had the name in my head for a while" she told him.
"I'm sold" he said truthfully not wanting to pretend he didn't love the name.
"So Rumi and Sir" Beyoncé said their names together just to hear it come out her mouth it made her smile big.
"That sounds dope I'm not gonna lie" Jay chuckled.
"They're both cute names, I'm happy."
"When Blue comes back from her play date we should tell her" he said.
She nodded her head in agreement.


"How was your play date Blue Blue?" Her mother asked.
"It was so fun we played dress up and watched Peppa Pig and we got in the pool!"
"That's great honey I'm glad you had fun."
"Can I go back next weekend?" Blue asked.
"Well baby maybe not that soon" her mother said.
"Why not?" She pouted.
"Because baby you don't want to over stay your welcome if they invite you without you asking that's okay but going over two weekends in a row is a lot."
"But they want me there her mom said so" she argued.
"Hey, hey Blue listen to what mommy said you can visit your friend again but just not next weekend if you keep arguing then you might have to wait longer" her father interjected.
She huffed "Okay daddy."
He shook his head she was only five but she had the attitude of a sassy teenager.
"Blue we have something to tell you" her mother said changing the subject.
"What is it mommy?"
"Me and daddy know what we're naming your brother and sister."
She clapped jumping up and down anytime they talked about the new additions to their family Blue got excited.
"The girl will be Rumi" her dad told her.
"Rumi like the poet?" She asked remembering that her father would read and talk about him at times.
"Exactly lefty" he was impressed that she remembered.
"What about my baby brother's name?"
"Your brother is Sir Carter" Beyoncé told her.
Her eyes got wide "wooooow that sounds like a prince."
"Princess Blue and Sir Carter, and princess Rumi too we can play prince and princess together I can give Rumi my dress up dresses that I don't fit" Blue went on and on about playing with her siblings who were still MONTHS away from being here. Nonetheless it was cute to see her so excited about the babies.
Her parents let her talk their heads off.
"I can't wait to tell everyo-" her mother cut her off.
"Blue remember what we said about secrets?"
"Oh yeah, some stuff I can't tell everyone.. like when I told people at school mommy was having twins?" Blue asked.
"Yes like that baby some stuff is just for family" her mother chuckled.
"Okay mommy I'm gonna zip my lips" she pretended to zip up her mouth and throw away the key.

"Be grateful for whatever comes because each has been sent as a guide from beyond" - Rumi

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