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As she got further and further into her pregnancy the doctor visits became more frequent

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As she got further and further into her pregnancy the doctor visits became more frequent. This was actually normal for a pregnancy with multiples because they're considered high risk. Unfortunately one of those doctor visits brought bad news. The doctor informed her that she had toxemia. A condition defined by high blood pressure and protein in the urine. The doctor suggested bedrest. They would monitor things like blood pressure and Mother and babies' bodily functions to make sure neither of them get to a state where emergency precautions have to be taken.


The situation of course, upset Bey. It upset everyone in the family. Beyoncé couldn't imagine herself on bedrest. In the beginning of her pregnancy she was very active. With rehearsal, even doing light soul cycle classes to keep active. Now she was bed ridden. She would do anything to assure the safety of her children but not being able to do for herself bothered her a little.
As the weeks went on she continued to have symptoms that came with toxemia, headaches nausea, adnominal pains and worst of all the excessive swelling to her entire body. It became overwhelming because she figured the bedrest was supposed to be helping but it seemed to be getting worse no matter how much she stayed in bed and abided by the doctor's orders. It got to a point where she got so frustrated she just needed to cry it out.
"It's hard seeing you like this baby if anybody can get through this it's you you're so strong baby you got this" Jay assured her as he let her cry into his shirt.
"Thank you baby, I'm just having a hard time" She said between sobs.
"I got us, it'll all work out" he said rubbing her back.


On one of her doctor's visit they had informed her that she was needed an emergency C-section. Her condition was worsening and now it was effecting the babies' health as well as her own.
It all happened so fast. They hooked her up to all these monitors and before she knew it she was being prepped to go in the operating room so they could perform the surgery. After all the commotion the process was relatively quick. After the anesthetic set in they put up a privacy curtain so she couldn't see the incisions being made. She could feel some pressure and pulling and tugging as the doctors pulled the twins out. Jay tried his best not to look over the  curtain but he did catch a glimpse of Rumi being pulled out. He was taken aback when he saw his wife literally cut open but he had to stay strong for both of them.
"She's got a head full of hair just like Blue did" he whispered to his wife getting close to her ear. Beyoncé gave him a faint smile. He could feel her hands shaking. She was understandably nervous. They'd been holding hands through this entire process. It didn't take long for them to pull Sir out.
"My son!" Jay couldn't help but beam with joy when he saw him. The joy was cut short as the twins were immediately taken to the NICU to be looked at and cared for. They'd be able to see them once Beyoncé was stitched up and got some rest.


It was difficult for both of them to see their children in the NICU attached to machines even being under the lights at times. Beyoncé was concerned about how hands on she would be able to be with them, given they were hooked up to oxygen and in incubators with holes so they could be touched through them. But as the days went on they got stronger. It surprised her at how much she was able to do with them even though they were in the NICU. She was still able to breast feed and hold them during what they called kangaroo care. Where parents and baby share skin to skin contact. The hardest part of the process was when she was released from the hospital but the twins weren't quite ready to go home yet. She spent most of her time in the NICU while Jay tried to make home life as normal as possible for Blue.


"Daddy are the twins coming home soon?" Blue asked.
"Yeah Blue they'll be home soon."
"Mommy is sad I want them to come home so she can be happy and I don't want to only see my brother and sister in the hospital" there were tears forming in her eyes.
"Don't worry lefty everything's good they're getting so strong eating more we'll all be together soon."
"What about you Daddy are you sad?"
That made Jay smile. She was so empathetic.
"I want them home and mommy to feel better but in the mean time I need to take care of you and mommy."
Blue hugged her father tight.
He kissed her forehead "thank you lefty, I needed that."


About a week later the twins were finally released from the NICU. It had been a long journey full of highs and lows. But they were finally all together as a family. They could begin their journey adjusting to being a family of five. Their first day home Beyoncé took time to appreciate every moment. She had been waiting for this for a long time. Just the five of them no hospitals, no nurses, no machines beeping.


Her and Jay decided to take a shower to decompress from the day. Beyoncé found herself looking in the full length mirror studying the changes in her body. Everything was fuller. Not to mention her mommy pouch and the scar from the c-section. Admittedly the image in the mirror would've bothered her a few years back but she was happy with what she saw. There was a story to her reflection. When she looked she saw everything she had to go through to get here.
"You coming in baby?" Jay asked interrupting her thoughts.
She snapped out her thoughts and walked into the shower.
He immediately hugged her from behind and kissed her neck.
"Thank you baby" she kinda blurted out.
"Thank you for what?" He asked confused.
"Holding it down this whole time you have been amazing through this whole thing."
"That's my job, a man who don't take care of his family can't be rich" he said quoting one of his songs.
She smiled shaking her head "Well thank you for taking care of us."

"Push through the pain so we can see new life so all the ladies having babies see the sacrifice" -Jay Z "Smile" 4:44

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