Daddy/Daughter date (2)

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Blue hasn't been the best version of herself lately. She was usually a well behaved child so they figured she just needed some extra attention.
"Imma take Blue on a drive later on today" Jay told his wife.
"I hope that works that little girl has been trying my patience lately."
Jay chuckled.
"I'm serious the other day I told her she was working my nerves and she gone say you working mine too!"
Jay tried to hold in his laugh.
"Jay seriously I had to talk to god to keep me calm she was asking for a spanking."
"Don't hit my baby she just got a smart mouth like her daddy."
"So when she talks like that I should slap you?"
"Oh shit, nah don't do that either" he laughed.
This conversation had took an unexpected turn they both decided to get up and start their day.


"Wanna go on a car ride with daddy today?"
Blue tapped her chin. Jay shook his head the nerve of this little girl to have to think about it first.
"Okay daddy we can do that."
"Well thank you for clearing your busy schedule for your pops."
"You're welcome daddy I did have a meeting but that's okay."
"A meeting?!" He asked.
"Yes, like you and mommy have. I have a meeting with them" she pointed to all the stuffed animals she had strategically placed in a group sitting at a children's sized table.
"What's the meeting about?"
"Business" she answered shortly.
He loved her imagination he decided to humor himself and keep asking her about this 'meeting'.
"How's business?" He asked.
"It's booming" she answered seriously.
Jay couldn't take it anymore he had to go before he laughed in his daughter's face and made her feel bad. He had actual business to handle before they went on their car ride anyway.


"Which one?" He asked his daughter, they were standing in the garage Jay gave her a choice of which car they would take

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"Which one?" He asked his daughter, they were standing in the garage Jay gave her a choice of which car they would take.
"The red one!"
"Okay the corvette it is."
They got in, Jay strapped her in. They rode all around the city listening to music and talking.
"Blue why are you talking back to mommy so much lately?" He asked as he turned the radio down.
"I don't daddy" she gave him the puppy dog eyes.
"What did we tell you about not telling the truth?"
"Mommy ignored me for Rumi when I was trying to show her something."
"Maybe she didn't hear you Blue you know mommy wouldn't ignore you on purpose" he assured her.
"What about when Rumi and Sir started crawling?"
He looked at her confused.
"What about it?" He asked.
"That's all you guys talked about over and over and over."
"It was an exciting thing that happened, aren't you happy your brother and sister are learning to do new things?" He questioned.
"Not as happy as you and mommy" she answered sarcastically.
He chuckled at her sarcastic tone.
"Look, lefty sorry if we make it seem like we pay more attention to them than you at times, we don't want you to feel that way we love you just like we love the twins."
"Okay, daddy can we listen to the Rollie song?"
"Sure lefty" he opened up Tidal and searched the song.
"Do the dance for me lefty."

She did every dance move to the song and sang at the top of her lungs while sitting in her seat

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She did every dance move to the song and sang at the top of her lungs while sitting in her seat.
"Go lefty, get busy, go lefty do ya thing" he encouraged her.
"Daddy you dance too!" She urged him.
He hit his dab when the song called for it.
"Wanna get some ice cream lefty?" He asked when the song was over.
She clapped "Yes! Can we get mommy some too?"
"Yeah, of course."


"Mommy! We got you butter pecan ice cream your favorite!" She yelled as soon as they got in the house.
"Oh wow thank you baby."
"Sorry for talking back mommy" she went to hug her mother.
"Aww Blue, Blue" she squeezed her daughter tight.

•Blue outbid Tyler Perry at her grandma's art auction, a true legend the twins gotta step they cookies up 😂

'61 with the thing off
Me & Blue having a sing off
That's a raspberry beret the kind you find in a second hand store
That's a vintage piece
The kind that make haters kiss they teeth - Jay Z "Top Off"

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