Daddy & Me

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"He need some daddy son time" Jay said

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"He need some daddy son time" Jay said.
"He's cranky because he's teething" Bey said playfully rolling her eyes.
"Then I'll buy him another soother and we'll go have daddy son time."
"You just want to go out with your son say that" she giggled.
"Nah he been acting up lately I gotta talk to him man to man" he insisted.
"Sir why your daddy won't just admit that mommy is right?" She asked her son.
"Dada?" Sir cooed.
"Yeah dada wants to take you out just the two of you dada is tired of playing princess with Rumi and Blue."
"I love playing princess" he refuted. He loved having daughters and he'd do anything for them even if that meant playing dress up.
She gave him a Yeah right look.
"Anyway let's go Sir" he picked him up. 


He stopped by a Target to pick Sir up another toy that would soothe his growing teeth just like he said he would. The trip was pretty low key thankfully they didn't attract much attention plus Jay had his security traveling not too far behind.
After they checked out and got back in the car Jay opened the toy so Sir could use it.
"Look son, that should make you feel a little better."
He immediately put the toy in his mouth. Jay pulled off. He drove around looking for an empty park. A couple days ago Jay had stopped by the store and picked up a small soft basketball the perfect size for Sir.

He parked took the ball out the trunk then got Sir from out his car seat

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He parked took the ball out the trunk then got Sir from out his car seat.
"Look little man, see the ball dada got you?"
Sir grabbed the ball out his dad's hands right away his first instinct was to put it in his mouth.
"No son!" He stopped him before it could enter his mouth.
"We watch enough basketball together for you to know that's not how that works" he laughed. Sir laughed too.
"Look let daddy show you let's play catch" he put Sir down when they got to a good spot.
"Wait, I gotta do your intro first... starting at forward coming straight out of high school in California... Siiiiiir Carterrrrr!" He imitated the crowd cheering for his son after the intro. Sir clapped too smiling widely showing a mouth full of growing baby teeth.
He took a few steps away from him and softly threw the ball. It landed at Sir's feet.
"Look catch it like this" he signaled for the security guard to come. He made sure Sir was watching then threw the security guard the ball.
"Like that Sir, thanks man" he nodded to security.
He tried throwing him the ball again. This time he attempted to catch it but his reaction time was a little too slow.
Jay clapped "That's okay almost son let's do it again."
After a few more attempts like this he finally ended up making a catch.
"Yeeeeeah!" Jay said picking him up and hugging him.
"Your Mommy is gonna kill me for not getting that on video."
They stayed at the park a little while longer Jay pushed him on the swings for a bit. It was getting close to dinner time so they headed home.
They got home just in time as dinner was being served and everyone was at the table.
Jay washed him and Sir's hands and put him in his highchair.
"Daddy, where'd you and Sir go?!" Blue asked.
"Me and Sir just were playing ball."
"Was he any good?" Blue asked.
"We just played catch, well I was teaching him how to catch the ball."
"Did he do it?" She asked.
"Yeah took him a few tries but he did."
"Did you get it on camera?" Beyoncé asked.
"Hm?" He asked pretending not to hear her.
She chuckled  "I'll take that as a no."
"I wanna see Sir catch the ball" Blue said.
"Tomorrow we can all play catch" her dad suggested.
"Ball!" Sir cooed with food smeared all over his face. Blue gasped. That was the first time he's said that.
"Uh oh you turning my son into a sports junkie early" Beyoncé said.
"That's my boy, just like his pops" he smiled giving Sir a thumbs up.

I just wanna take you to a barber
Bonding on charters all the sh*t that I never did
Teach you good values so you cherish it -Jay Z "New Day"

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