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Tonight they were in New York and they would be going to their niece's "roaring 20s" themed 21st birthday party

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Tonight they were in New York and they would be going to their niece's "roaring 20s" themed 21st birthday party.
"I can't remember the last time I was at a twenty first birthday, I can barely remember my own" Beyoncé laughed.
"I made your twenty first special I know you remember that" he said referring to him officially "telling" her that she was his girlfriend. "But That's what happens when you get old" Jay said.
"First of all, you're getting older I'm getting better" Beyoncé corrected him. "Secondly I try to forget that happened because of the way that went down."
Jay just shook his head he didn't expect the conversation to go where it was heading he decided to quickly change the subject.
"Can't believe my TeeTee is twenty one I remember when she was just born" Jay reminisced.
"Aww, she grew up to be a lovely and smart young lady."
"If TeAnna is twenty one that means Blue will be twenty one before we know it too" Jay said frantically. Just thinking of his daughter being old enough to drink was enough to give him a heart attack.
"Calm down baby" Beyoncé couldn't help but laugh at his franticness.
"My baby is gonna be drinking Bey! And I won't be able to tell her to stop."
"Jay the girl just turned seven not too long ago you're skipping some steps here" she said rubbing his back.
He sighed "Let's start getting ready party starts soon."


Beyoncé was feeling her look after getting ready she found herself taking a lot of selfies and pictures of the details of her outfit

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Beyoncé was feeling her look after getting ready she found herself taking a lot of selfies and pictures of the details of her outfit.
Jay walked in on his wife snapping it up.
"The camera loves you" he said teasing her.
"Shiiit, I know it does" she agreed brushing her hair to the side.
"You look fuckin' good baby" he complimented.
"Thank you" she beamed there's nothing like a compliment from the love of your life.
"You look good and smell even better" she said getting close to him so the scent of his cologne was even stronger.
"You smell good enough to eat" she whispered in his ear.
"I'll remember that, but remember TeAnna had one request" Jay reminded his wife.
"Yeah that we don't show up after her so she can make her grand entrance" Beyoncé chuckled. She was notorious for being late but that came with the territory. It's a diva thing.


Just as promised they made it in time to see her grand entrance. Not long after the DJ started playing music and most everyone was out on the dance floor. The DJ even played one of Beyoncé's newly released songs "Already". Someone tried to get her to dance to it but she refused. That was something she almost never did, danced to her own music in a party setting. She was content with watching her nephew Jeezy dance and she be his hype-man.
"Go Jeezy, ayeee!" She yelled hyping him up in the background.
She took pictures of her niece and even made some time to pass down some wisdom that she thought might help her now that she's entering womanhood.
She ended their talk by saying.
"I'm proud of you TeeTee now drink responsibly."
TeeTee laughed "Okay auntie."

Later in the night she and Jay were sitting on a couch vibing to the music

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Later in the night she and Jay were sitting on a couch vibing to the music.
"Did you see your nephew out there, that boy was dancing!"
"Yeah Jeezy got the moves" he nodded.
"He's so cute!" She smiled.
She eventually opened her phone's camera.
"You feeling yourself tonight" he pointed out.
She ignored her husband getting him into the frame of her picture then snapped it.
She looked at it smile and went back to snapping more photos of herself.
"Lemme see" he said taking the phone from her. He snapped his own pics of her. He locked her phone when he was finished. He turned her head and kissed her.
"I still smell good?" He asked his lips to her ear.
She took in his scent and nodded yes.
"Does that offer still stand from earlier?" He asked.
"What offer?" She pretended to play dumb.
He grabbed her exposed thigh and squeezed it knowing she was just pretending she didn't know what he was talking about.
He snuck his hand further up her thigh. Beyoncé looked around, the party was dark but she didn't want to chance it she swatted his hand away before they reached their destination.
"Behave" she warned him.
"You know your titties fallin' out your dress?" He asked.
She looked down at her chest.
"They just been calling me all night" he sighed.
"I try to take my focus off them now I'm staring at your sexy glossy ass lips and now they calling me too I'm picturing them wrapped around my-"
"This is your second warning" she cut him off.
"Okay stop lookin' at ya titties and lips now I'm lookin' at ya eyes, I would look you in your eyes if we were fuckin."
Beyoncé sighed clearly his mind was on one thing and she wasn't mad about it. She looked good and him hyping her up was an added bonus.
"Let's find TeAnna, then get out of here" she said to him.
"Thank god I was wondering how long you was gonna make me wait" he grabbed her hand and went to find his niece so they could do what he'd been thinking about for the rest of the night.

Tryna take my baby home -Beyoncé "Already"

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