Dirty Laundry

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She had found herself in this position one too many times now

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She had found herself in this position one too many times now. On the floor tears stained her face and once again her eye was blacked. He left in a rage as he often did after he beat her. Kelly kept quiet about the abuse because she believed him every time he said it wouldn't happen again. But at this very moment she was tired of being in the position she was in. She was tired of feeling trapped in his house. Tried of having to cover up black eyes with make up and dark shades. Just tired. She had to tell someone she thought as she lay on the floor. She knew she couldn't tell her mother she was too embarrassed to. She didn't want her worrying either. She finally got off the floor and went to her phone.
It rang and she waited for someone to pick up. She tried calling about four times back to back but they never answered.
She threw her phone in frustration. Curled up with her face buried in her knees and cried even harder than she already was.


She decided to get up and try to pull herself together by showering and trying to hide the bruises on her face.
While she was taking a shower the bathroom door swung open. She knew exactly who it was.
"Why was your cell on the floor?" He asked.
"I don't know" she lied.
"You didn't call the cops on me or nothing right baby?" He swung the shower door open now. She backed away instinctively.
"I looked on the caller I.D. I see you called Bey, didn't I tell you that bitch don't care nothing about you she hardly ever calls you as it is she's too busy and you thought she'd come to your rescue?!"
All she could do was cry some of what he was saying resonated with her she was upset when she didn't answer her calls especially since she called more than once.
"Yeah you know I'm right I care about you Kelly but you just drive me crazy and I lose my temper I don't mean to I'm just crazy about you baby" he brought her face close to his and kissed her. She wanted to pull away but she didn't want to risk making him angry.
"Love you" he told her.
She hesitated.
He grabbed her by the wrists and squeezed tight.
"I know you heard me!"
She struggled to pull away "Love you too."
"Can you close the shower door so I can finish?
"Okay meet me in the bedroom after."
She wouldn't dare say no to him for sex. That would definitely set him off.
"Okay baby.."
He smirked then slapped her ass before closing the door.


The call back didn't come until the next day and thankfully he wasn't around when she did call back.
"Hey Kellz, what's up?" Beyoncé asked when she picked up the phone.
Truthfully she didn't want to talk to her right now not after she didn't answer in her time of need and the things he said about Bey never calling her first and how she's too busy for her were weighing on her mind heavily as well.
"Hey Bey" she answered shortly.
Beyoncé detected an attitude but ignored it.
"I see you called me yesterday I left my cell at Jay's place couldn't get to it til this morning sorry girl."
"Of course" Kelly said more to herself.
"Nothing girl."
"So it must've been important I see you called more than once."
"No, just wanted to see what you were up to" Kelly lied.
"Oh, well im flattered you'd call me that much because you missed me but I had a hectic day yesterday hence why I left my phone here didn't get in til late but thankfully my day starts later today."
"Always so busy" she said dryly.
"Kelly you alright?" She couldn't understand why she was giving her so much attitude.
"Yeah I'm not feeling well I'll call you later."
"Wait! Kelly before you hang up I'm sorry for not answering yesterday if that's what you're mad about I know I'm bad when I'm really busy I get tunnel vision but you know I love you, girl."
Kelly didn't even respond she just hung up.

"He turned me against my sister" -Kelly "Dirty Laundry"

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