Daddy/Daughter Date (3)

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Jay promised Blue an afternoon daddy daughter date to the Lakers Clippers game

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Jay promised Blue an afternoon daddy daughter date to the Lakers Clippers game.
"Daddy do you like this?" Blue asked in a different outfit than she was wearing earlier.
"Yeah baby I like what you had on before too" he assured her.
"Ugh! Daddy you say that about everything!" She sighed wanting a real opinion and not just compliments. "Never mind I'll just ask mommy."
She found her mother. "Mommy do you like this outfit?"
"Yeah Blue Blue it's cute you wearing it to the game?"
"Why did you change?" She asked.
"Mommy I'm gonna be on tv I can't just wear anything."
She just shook her head. "Okay Blue as long as you like it."
"Okay lefty ready to go?" He asked his daughter.
"Daddy! You changed your shirt and shoes!"
"Yeah look we match now" he pointed out.
"Daddy" she covered her face in embarrassment.
"It's subtle Blue no one is gonna notice" he promised trying to make her less embarrassed hoping she would be ok with it.
"Ok daddy but if someone notices I'll be embarrassed" she said honestly.
He tried not to be hurt by that statement knowing she was only telling the truth.
"Okay you two, have fun" Beyoncé said pecking Jay's lips then hugging Blue.


They were sitting next to Mav Carter, LeBron's longtime friend and his daughter Lyra court-side.
"Hi" Blue said quietly to Lyra.
"Hi" she smiled at her.
"You like basketball?" Blue asked.
"Eh, my dad wanted me to come" she shrugged.
"Yeah uh, mine too" Blue told a little lie, she honestly did like basketball she watched it with her dad and brother often but she wanted to not care like Lyra.
"Dads" Lyra said shaking her head.
"Yeah, dads" Blue agreed mimicking her head shake.
Even though she was supposed to be pretending to not be interested she found herself being very entertained by the game.
Every time she saw a cool pass or dunk she couldn't help but be impressed. Even letting out some "wow's" and "oh's!"
"Daddy?" She turned to her father during the game.
"Yeah baby? You want a snack?" He asked figuring that's why he was being called.
"Yes, but do you think LeBron would give me a ball?" She asked.
"Of course I bet if you asked him after the game he'd give you a ball."
"Okay daddy that'd be so cool" she clapped. "Can I have Lays?"
"Of course we should get a bag for your mom and siblings too" Jay said thinking about his three other favorite people.


Blue saw LeBron walking up to her father after the game and immediately got nervous backing away from the 6'9 forward. At that moment he seemed 10 feet tall to Blue.

LeBron greeted Jay then said hello to Blue even giving her a handshake

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LeBron greeted Jay then said hello to Blue even giving her a handshake. Jay could tell his daughter was apprehensive so he pushed her. Telling LeBron his daughter had something to ask him.

"You got something to ask me?" LeBron asked in the softest voice he could

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"You got something to ask me?" LeBron asked in the softest voice he could.
"He wants to ask you" Blue said pointing to her father shyly.
"No you want it you gotta tell him" Jay pushed.
She went back and forth with her father. LeBron decided to interject. He counted down trying to make it easier for her to ask.
"Okay 1,2,3"
When he got to three Blue finally came out with it. "Um, I wanted a ball from you."
"You wanted a ball from me?!" LeBron asked playfully.
"Yeah I wanted a ball and sign it please" she smiled.
"Aight I got you it's comin' real soon aight? You got school on Monday?" She shook her head yes.
"By the time you get out of school on Monday you'll have it" he assured her.


"Thank you for making me talk to LeBron" Blue said to her dad as they were driving home.
Jay chuckled "you're welcome lefty"
"If you didn't make me then I wouldn't be getting my ball" Blue said catching on to the lesson her dad was trying to teach her. "It was scary but worth it."
"I'm glad."
They got home Blue went to deliver the chips to her siblings and Jay decided he'd deliver Beyoncé's chips himself.
"Look what I got you" he said still hiding the chips behind his back.
"Oh a surprise! Is it a vacation?" She asked.
"Girl I can't fit no vacation behind my back, try again."
"Hmmm, a puppy?"
"One more guess."
"See you bein' a freak it's just chips" he chuckled.
"Almost better than the handcuffs, yum" she smiled.
"I thought about you."
"Thank you for thinking about me" she kissed him.
Their room door wasn't closed so Blue saw that as permission to enter.
"Mommy!" her parents separated from their kissed startled by their child's voice.
"Yes, Blue" Beyoncé said holding her chest.
"Guess what?"
"You and your father came in here with some guessing games.." Beyoncé commented. Blue was lost by what she meant.
"Cmon mommy guess."
"You had fun with your daddy at the basketball game?" she guessed.
"Well yeah but guess who I talked to?"
"Your daddy?" Beyoncé asked being silly.
"Well duh mommy" Blue sighed growing impatient with the guessing game. "I'll just tell you, I talked to LeBron he's giving me a signed ball!"
"Wow! Blue Blue that's exciting!"
"Yeah at first I was so scared to ask but daddy made me ask and I did he said I'll have it tomorrow!" She squealed.
"Wow tomorrow that's quick!"
"Yeah I'm so glad daddy has so many friends because he likes to talk so much!" Blue said accidentally insulting her dad.
"Woah lefty I talk a lot?" He asked.
"Yeah a whole lot but that's ok because if you weren't friends with LeBron I wouldn't have my ball."
"Well then you're welcome.. I think."
Their daughter happily left the room a while later texting away on her phone probably telling all her friends the news.
"Dang she really said you talk too much" Beyoncé laughed.
"At least this will give me cool points for a while" he shrugged happy with the trade off.
"Yeah but wait til she finds out Julez didn't even have to ask for all his stuff LeBron gave him that time."

"Oh yeah I gotta get a hold of Julez and warn him not to bring that up

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"Oh yeah I gotta get a hold of Julez and warn him not to bring that up."

Aren't the pics of Blue & Jay the cutest?! Daddy daughter goals! Blue is getting so big 🤦🏾‍♀️

"A closed mouth don't get fed" - Jay Z "Anything"

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