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Blue was in her dance class practicing which has become a routine for her. She has been dancing according to her parents, since she was in the womb. Ever since she could remember she loved dancing it started from sitting in her mother's rehearsals and watching her tirelessly go through dance routines until they were perfect. If you spend as much time watching someone vigorously rehearse like that it's not hard to pick up on some steps. But Blue fell in love with dance nothing made her happier than learning a new routine it's what she spent the most time doing.
"Okay girls that was much better you're all getting there remember our recital is only a week away!" Their dance teacher said.
All the girls went to go grab their things to be picked up by their parents.
"Much better?" Blue heard one of the girls say "maybe for you guys but I'm the Beyoncé of this dance class I'm too good" She bragged.
Blue tried her best not to roll her eyes at the girls comment. Her mother had always stressed to her the importance of not letting her face give away what she was thinking especially in public. A lesson she needed to learn quickly the older she got and the more her parents took her to award shows and public appearances.
Beyoncé?! Like my mom Beyoncé? Must be two Beyoncés.. Blue thought to herself still trying her best to control her facial expressions.
"It's so unfair for Blue" Blue turned around when she heard her name mentioned.
"Huh?" She asked sweetly. Even though they're only seven this girl already had the reputation of being the mean girl of the class. Blue tried to follow her mother's advice "kill them with kindness."
"You're the tallest person in class the splits are probably so easy for you."
She shrugged "I guess I'm just flexible."
"Your mom probably helps you" the girl snickered.
"No, my mom can't even do a split" Blue shot back not much caring to be kind to this girl anymore.
"Hey, I'm just saying we can't all be Beyoncé's daughter" the girl smirked and walked away.
Blue was very upset. She really didn't know why the girls words hurt her so much but they did. She never felt anything less than proud of being Beyoncé's daughter until now.
A short while later, Julius their bodyguard came to take Blue to the car where her mother was waiting.
"Blue Blue how was dance?" She asked happy to see her first born.
"Fine" she answered shortly.
"Blue you okay?" Her mother asked.
"Did something happen? Are you hurt? Did you mess up?"
"No mommy! That girl was being mean to me again today!" She cried, finally breaking down and telling her mother the truth.
"Aww Blue what did I tell you about hateful people?"
"I tried being nice mommy then she started saying things about you and how I could only do a split cuz you helped me."
"Blue the reason that girl was being mean to you has nothing to do with you, or me" her mother informed her.
"It doesn't?" She asked wiping her eyes.
"No, it has everything to do with her she's unhappy on the inside, Blue I know it's hard sometimes but please don't let hateful people turn you ugly on the inside" her mother begged knowing what her daughter was experiencing all too well.
"Okay mommy" she smiled.
"Blue you know you're the best dancer in that class right?" Beyoncé asked.
"I am?"
"Yes you know why?"
"Because you work the hardest, keep working hard and you can be anything you want and no mean girl can stop that" she assured her.
"Mommy, I love being your daughter!"
Beyoncé didn't know where that came from but she was grateful to hear it.
"Blue, I love being your mom!" They shared a hug.

•Blue Ivy is... and I can't stress this enough, the next supreme 🤣 look at those moves! Look at the material!!

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