Girl talk

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"Look at that smile Michelle don't she just look different?" Kelly asked teasing Beyoncé

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"Look at that smile Michelle don't she just look different?" Kelly asked teasing Beyoncé.
"Yeah there is a certain glow about her" Michelle agreed.
"Hmmm, why you over there glowing?" Kelly asked.
Beyoncé rolled her eyes "I don't know what y'all are talking about."
She knew exactly what they were getting at but she was just going to play dumb for now.
"I can guess why you're glowing, that little vacation you took with Jay went well huh?"
"Yeah it went well, the time off was much needed" she continued to play dumb.
"That time off making you walk different too" Kelly pointed out.
Beyoncé gasped "I am NOT!"
Michelle and Kelly both chuckled.
"Why you holding out on us Bey, we all know Jay made you a woman now c'mon tell us all about it" Kelly urged her long time friend.
"I'm holding out cuz I know your nosey ass is dying to know" she laughed.
"Yup I sure am, now spill."
"It was nice" Beyoncé finally gave in, giving minor details.
"Girl we don't care about nice was it big?!" Kelly asked cutting straight to the chase.
"I think the way she's walking answers that question" Michelle interjected.
Kelly gave Michelle a knowing look then slapped her five.
"Stop it!" Beyoncé blushed. This game of 21 questions actually had her feeling shy.
"So it was small? So all those rumors were exaggeration? I knew it couldn't be true."
"Small?" Beyoncé chuckled sarcastically.
"Oh? So he is packing."
Beyoncé shrugged  her shoulders and pretended to zip her lips.
"Oh wow so secretive the dick has her speechless" Kelly teased.
"Oh my god Kelly!" Beyoncé said wanting her to stop.
"Okay fine, did he give you an orgasm?"
Beyoncé was saved by her cell ringing. She answered the phone quickly, anything to get out of the conversation Kelly was trying to have.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Hey Bey."
"Jay!" She said excitedly.
He chuckled "wassup ma?"
"Nothing chilling just finished rehearsal with the girls."
"I wish you were still here with me" He was still on vacation but she had to leave early for work.
"Me too baby."
"You miss me?" He asked.
"You know I do" she couldn't help but have a huge smile on her face.
"Jay what did you do to my friend on vacation she's glowing!" Kelly yelled out from the background.
Beyoncé put her face in her palm. She could hear Jay laughing on the other end of the phone. She got up and went into her room where she could have some privacy.
"You didn't tell Kelly?" Jay was teasing her too, he knew how shy she could be.
"No! You know how Kelly is with information plus, I don't think I'd ever hear the end of it."
"Must've not been good if you don't wanna tell nobody" he was still teasing her but he knew she'd take him serious.
"Of course it was good it was more than good."
"More than good?"
She bit her lip, just thinking about it made her have flashbacks.
"You still there?" Jay asked, she was quiet on the other end.
"Yeah, Sorry."
"What you thinking about over there?"
"Nothing" she chuckled nervously.
Kelly knocked on the door loudly "Come on girl! You said you was coming to dinner with us tell Jay you'll be back."
Beyoncé rolled her eyes.
"I heard that I'll call you later, don't forget to tell Kelly about my gifted tongue at dinner" he joked.
"Jay!" She groaned.
"I wish I could see how red your face is right now" He was doubled over in laughter.
"I hate you, goodbye!" She said playfully.
"Don't worry one day I'll put it on you so good you gonna wanna tell everybody might write a song about it" he said confidently.

"She was a good girl 'till she knew me" -Jay Z Part II (On The Run)

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