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"Aww my girls look beautiful today, let daddy get some pictures

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"Aww my girls look beautiful today, let daddy get some pictures."
They posed for some pictures.
"You and mommy look like twins today" Jay said to Blue.
Blue found that very amusing and had a giggle fit "Thats funny daddy the twins are twins not me and mommy!"
He chuckled "I know baby I'm just saying you look beautiful just like your mother."
"Thank you daddy!"
"Doesn't mommy look so beautiful today too?" He asked his daughter.
"Yeah mommy always looks beautiful!"
"Yeah Blue you're right mommy always looks beautiful" he gave Beyoncé a quick peck on the lips.
"Thank you daddy" she whispered mocking Blue.

The family would be having a little get together for Easter with activities for the kids in a little bit. They had it all set up in the backyard.

Before long guest started arriving. Of course the Easter bunny visited the kids.
"Titan look it's the Easter bunny, you wanna say hi?" Kelly asked her son.
He shook his head no shyly.
"Titan it's okay the Easter bunny is nice, look" Blue went up to the bunny and gave him a pound. Titan warmed up when he saw Blue interacting with the bunny and figured it wasn't so scary.


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"Blue, Titan take a picture with the Easter bunny." They got close and smiled for the picture.
"Look at Blue's hand on Titan like a little mommy" Kelly pointed out to Bey.

 "Look at Blue's hand on Titan like a little mommy" Kelly pointed out to Bey

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They took a group picture too. Titan and Blue started petting the Easter bunny.
"It soft!" Titan said to Blue.
"Yeah Titan he's really soft!"

They snapped a few more group pictures

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They snapped a few more group pictures.
"Whew! I'm gonna go sit down" Bey said.
"You alright?" Kelly asked.
"Yeah my feet just hurt."
"Girl when you gonna let go of the heels? The twins tryna tell you something" she laughed.
Beyoncé rolled her eyes "I'll let them go when I please."

Beyoncé sat down while the Easter egg hunt was going on.
Jay saw her sitting down and came to sit with her.
"Hey Easter bunny" she greeted him.
"Man that bunny costume was hot as hell, Bey."
"You're a good sport and the kids loved it."
"Yeah Blue was getting her big sister on with Titan when he was scared, she's ready."
"She better be" she said rubbing her belly.
"You good over here, you want anything?" Jay asked.
"Yeah could you get me some water baby? Thank you."
He went to go get her some water.

Blue made sure to come back and show her mother all the eggs she collected

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Blue made sure to come back and show her mother all the eggs she collected.
"Look at all these eggs mommy!"
"I see Blue Blue you did a good job!"
"Hurt?" Titan asked looking at her feet.
"No Titan I'm ok."
"Okay?" Titan asked.
"Yeah I'm okay."
Blue interrupted "Can I have some of the candy now?"
"Yeah but not too much save room for dinner."
"Okay mommy."
They had an early dinner, they all ate outside and not long after that everyone started filing out.
"Before you go inside and change you want me to take some last pictures?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Umm baby, how long you been barefoot?"
"Since the kids started looking for Easter eggs, I couldn't take it no more" she said honestly.
"You need to let them heels go baby."
"That's not the first time I heard that today."

"I'm just sayin' baby, anyway ready?" He asked putting the camera to his eye

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"I'm just sayin' baby, anyway ready?" He asked putting the camera to his eye.
She nodded yes.
He snapped some pictures.
"Gorgeous baby."
She turned around.
"Oh yeah, I like that" he licked his lips.
She put bunny ears behind her head.
"Okay that's all I got" she chuckled.

"Well I'm ready for some sleep, it has been an eventful day."
"My babies got you tired."
"You got that right I'm ready to have control of my body back" she whined.
"Aww, want me to rub your feet?"
"Okay buuuut, let me go get a washcloth cuz they dirty from you walking around barefoot all day" he laughed.
He came back with a washcloth and washed her feet off. He grabbed some lotion and rubbed her feet.
"My baby daddy is the best."
He had the Rockets/OKC game on, he watched that while rubbing her feet. At one point he turned his head from the tv and noticed she fell asleep.
He laughed to himself and moved her feet off his lap gently placing them on the bed. He kneeled down to her face softly kissing her nose "Okay baby, goodnight."
She smiled in her sleep.

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