False Alarms (2)

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Beyoncé stepped out the shower feeling a little better than she did when she got in

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Beyoncé stepped out the shower feeling a little better than she did when she got in. She was feeling a little under the weather these past few days but was doing everything in her power to fight it off. With vitamin C and extra rest when she could get it. A wave of nausea came over her so she sat down in the bathroom for a second. Eventually it subsided then she went to go get ready for the day.


Her kids were already up and hyper by the time she reached the kitchen. Food was being prepared for them as they played wildly.
Beyoncé heard Sir start to scream and looked over to see what was going on.
"What's wrong papa?" She asked her son.
"He's screaming because he doesn't want me to stand here" Blue told her.
"Come on Blue you guys have this whole space just move" her mother pleaded not wanting to hear the toddler's screeching anymore.
"Mommy I'm just standing here why do I have to move?"
That sparked something in Beyoncé she wasn't one to lose her patience with her children but she wasn't feeling good today so that added fuel to her fire.
Blue ran towards the direction of her room but not before bumping into her father's legs.
Jay looked at Bey like she had two heads she almost never yelled at Blue.
"It's okay lefty come here" he said picking her up. "You have to listen when mommy says something if mommy tells you to do something you shouldn't ask why it's for your own good if she's telling you to do it."
"But you told me to always ask questions" she cried.
"That's not the right time to be asking questions" her father told her.
Beyoncé breathed in deeply rubbing her temples. She was getting nauseous again and to make matters worse she was hungry.
She walked up to their personal chef "Almost done?"
"Yes just about 15 more minutes" the chef said.
"I'm gonna take what's already made if you don't mind" she said as kindly as she could.
She did just that taking a plate and tray to eat on to her room.
Jay came and checked on her a while later.
"You sleep?" He asked quietly.
"Trying to" she answered annoyed.
"Sorry baby, you okay? You still not feeling good?"
"Do I seem like I feel good?" She snapped.
"Well no, not with that attitude."
"I just need to rest" she sighed.
He kissed her cheek.
"Maybe you need some vitamin D" he whispered to her.
She chuckled that was his solution to everything. Before she knew it he had her completely naked from the waist down.
"Wait.. Jay" she said between kisses.
"The.. draw" she said barely able to focus as his kisses moved from her lips down to her neck.
"The draw? .. we don't need those" he shrugged her off knowing she was referring to the barely ever used condoms he kept in there.
"We do need them" she said sternly.
"What are you talking about?" He asked confused.
"I'm sick, tired, nauseous and I think I might be pregnant.."
Jay's heart dropped when she said that they had their hands full with the kids they already had and the twins were still just a year old another kid right now wouldn't be ideal.
"Say something!" She said annoyed by his silence.
"I don't know what to say" he said honestly.
She pushed him off her and pulled up her pants not in the mood to continue what they started.
"Are you gonna take a test?" He asked.
"That's the only way to know right?"
He hoped the test came out positive because then there would be a reason for her to be at his neck the way she was lately.
"I'll take one tonight."


She sat on the toilet and peed on the stick. Setting it on the sink when she was finished and waited. She silently talked to God while she waited for the results. God I don't mean to sound ungrateful I love my babies but I am not ready to be pregnant again. You know how difficult the twins pregnancy was. I know whatever happens it's your will but if my two sense means anything none of us are ready. After her little talk with the man above it was time to see the results. She took a deep breath knowing if the test read positive this could change things. She slowly turned to the test and picked it up.
"Oh thank you GOD!" She yelled probably loud enough for everyone in the house to hear.
Jay knew exactly what that meant he pumped his fists in celebration. She finally walked out the bathroom.
"Negative I'm guessing from that outburst?" He asked.
She smiled and nodded yes.
Jay pretended to wipe sweat from his forehead.
"Maybe we do need to be more careful."
"Oh mr. wE dOn'T nEeD tHoSe" She said mocking the words her husband spoke earlier.
"I don't know who you supposed to be but I know baby number four while the twins still in diapers ain't the move so condoms are my friend from now on" he laughed.
"Yeah I ain't been this shook in a long time" she agreed.
"You are gonna give me four though right?" He asked his wife.
"Hmm, do I love you that much?" She questioned.
He looked at her unamused.
"If you act right" she finally answered.
"I'll be on my best behavior" he promised.

Requested by dann1256s

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