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(Think in the time frame of the "Lemonade" chapters this is a look from Jay's POV mostly)

"Don't go" she whined.
He sucked his teeth "Don't start that it's three in the morning I gotta go I'm in trouble as it is."
She huffed and puffed.
"You know what it is..."
"Yeah so why you keep coming back then?" She asked.
"That's a good question" he laughed.
She rolled her eyes at his response "Bye, Jay good luck with wifey."
"Imma need it" he made his way out of her house.

He quietly shut the door behind him and tip toed into their room. As quietly and quickly as he could he took off his clothes and climbed into bed.
"Finally decided to come home.." Beyoncé said not long after he laid down.
"I'm sorry I lost track of time" he lied.
She sighed to herself. She was done with this conversation they'd been having conversations like this too many times.
He was content with the fact she stopped asking him questions.

Like most days they woke up when their daughter woke up. Beyoncé had told Jay that he could feed her breakfast and bathe her while she caught up on some sleep. It was the least he could do since he was barely around yesterday. He agreed, mostly out of guilt and not wanting to start an argument.
She had gotten an extra hour of sleep which was heaven sent for her. She enjoyed about ten minutes of meditating before that was interrupted by Jay's phone ringing on his nightstand. She looked at it, truthfully it had become a bad and embarrassing habit of hers to check his phone when he left it laying around. She grabbed the phone and noticed that there was an unknown number on there twice. The missed call was from one of his boys. She stared at the phone for a while. It was eating at her that little voice in her head was telling her to call the unknown number back. She was fighting with herself. Don't go lookin for something you don't want to find she thought to herself. But the urge to know was strong. She called the unknown number back.
"Jay?" The voice at the other end answered.
She froze for a bit, it was a female voice exactly what she feared.
"Who is this?" Beyoncé asked. The person on the other line immediately hung up.
Holding back tears she put the phone back exactly where she found it. She took time to get herself together and went to be with her daughter she did her best that day to pretend that everything was okay.

She had been being really short with him but lately she was always mad at him

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She had been being really short with him but lately she was always mad at him. There is no excuse for stepping out on your marriage but he never wanted her to find out especially not like this.

He made it his business to go see her a few days after the incident.
"I'm surprised to see you, playing a dangerous game" she said walking towards him.
He backed away "I'm not here for that."
"This whatever this is ,it's over I'm just here to make sure we have an understanding you've always been good at keeping your mouth shut and playing by the rules."
She knew exactly what he meant by that she had enjoyed their affair she knew it wouldn't amount to anything more but she would be stupid not to at least try to get something out of the situation.
"Do I get anything for being a good sport?" She asked.
He knew it wasn't going to be that easy she was a cool girl but clearly she wasn't blind to this opportunity.
"I can get someone to call you about whatever you want, in return for your silence."
"It's your world.."
He shot her a look. His world was about to be completely different especially at home, this conversation went smoothly but it wouldn't nearly be as easy with his wife.
"I really do hope it works out, regardless of whether you believe me or not" she said honestly.
He shook his head and chuckled, then closed the door behind him.

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