Daddy/Daughter date

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Blue had her iPad while she sat on the living room floor between her fathers legs

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Blue had her iPad while she sat on the living room floor between her fathers legs.
"Lefty you can't keep moving ya head mama."
"Mommy does my hair faster than this daddy it's been foreverrrrr" she whined.
He chuckled and shook his head, it was taking so long because he didn't know what to do with it or where to begin she had taken a nap in her twist out and it had gone flat so now he had to fix it in some way. He decided to put it in a ponytail and leave some hair out in the front, a style he's seen Bey do a million times. It didn't come out half as good when he did it though.
"Uhh lefty, you still got that pink hat in your room?"
"Yes, why daddy?"
"Go get it."
She ran to go get the hat from her room. She came back and gave it to him.
"We're gonna put it on" he adjusted it so the ponytail when through the hole in the back of the hat and her little bang was sticking out the front. Blue giggled at her dad.
"What's so funny lefty?"
"You couldn't do it" she giggled again.
He got a kick out of that one, little one was right doing hair was not his forte.
"It's okay daddy I wuv this hat!"
"Let's go eat lefty" he took his daughters hand.

"Daddy I want pasta!" She told him. That was usually her go to meal that or some type of nuggets, of all the food this girl could be eating she wants the simplest ones.
"Okay lefty we'll get you some pasta."
Their food arrived and the two had conversation as they ate. This mostly consisted of Blue talking Jay's head off.
"Daddy I know how to spell pasta, p-a-s-t-a! Pasta, that's right, right daddy?"
"Yes lefty that's right" he encouraged.
"Daddy I can spell a lot of stuff at this table" she went on to spell as much things as she could as she saw them on the table. Jay was proud and impressed with his daughter but on the other hand he really wished she would eat her food. Luckily the nanny sensed his angst and helped Blue stay focused on eating her food, she nearly had to feed her truthfully.
When they were done they walked back to the car, Blue was skipping and singing a song he figured was from Nick Jr.

"Look I'm Santa Claus" she had the bubbles on her face like a beard. He couldn't help but laugh.
She slapped her belly "Ho! Ho! Hooo!"
"You're a silly girl" he said.
He finished washing her up and got her out the bath and dressed in her PJs.
"Daddy before bedtime can I have some chocolate cookies? Please daddy I love you" she was poring it on for her dad.
"Sure lefty, just one though ok?"
"Two, please daddy I love you you're the best daddy in the whole wide world."
"Okay two cookies lefty that's it and don't tell mommy" he warned.
She ran to the kitchen.
"Wait girl you can't reach the cookie jar!"
As promised she got her two cookies. He let her stay up for an hour but then it was bedtime. But there was a problem. The cookies got to her system and the girl was bouncing off the walls.
He was watching her literally run through the entire living room holding her teddy bear and screaming at the top of her lungs. He knew there was no way if he put her in the room she'd go to sleep. He was going to have to let her ride this sugar rush until she crashed.
The rest of that night consisted of him running behind his sugar induced child. She somehow fell asleep on the living room floor and by that time he couldn't make it to his bed either, he fell out on the couch.
Beyoncé quietly walked into the house very late at night coming from rehearsals. She saw her daughter sleeping on the floor with a chocolate covered face and husband on the couch. She shook her head.
She slapped her husband's chest "Boy wake up!"
He jumped up "Owe!"
"Get my child off the floor, I see she had cookies before bed I'm sure you've learned your lesson."
He picked Blue up careful not to wake her.
He whispered "I sure as hell did."

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