Chapter 1

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Dear God why am I doing this?

    I stood behind the open locker waiting for him to notice me. My heart was stuck in my throat, my knees trembling. To say say I was nervous was an understatement. Justin shut his locker just then and did a double take when he notice me before making his face smooth again.
   He raised an eyebrow as if t say, This should be good. "Um, hi". i croaked out, tucking in a lock of hair behind my ear with a trembling hands. Stay strong you idiot. "Hi?" he cocked his head to the side wondering why i was standing in front of him greeting. "Er.I'm Brooklyn, Tony's-"   "Girlfriend, i know" he interrupted me, a smirk growing on his face as if though he realizing why i am here.

  My heart did a flip. Justin Bieber knew who i was "lemme guess," He leaned against his locker, the smirk still intact on his face. "You cam here to tell me to not bash the ass's face." Aw man he also knew that too. I nodded slightly. "cant you just let it go?" He signed, standing straight back up. "Look, he started insulting me in front of the whole team. There's no way I'm letting him get away with that." he looked at me and I saw something flash in his eyes...Pity? damn Tony for having such a big mouth.

   This the first time i had to save his butt. "It's not happening." He finished, locking his locker before turning around to leave. "Please!?" Without thinking, and being reckless, my hand flashed out and grab his leather clad arm and he stopped in his tracks. He slowly turned around, his eyes went to where i was gripping his arm and then went to my face.

   I instantly let go as I saw the look in his eyes, stepping back reflexively. "Please," I squeaked. He bit his bottom lip and gazed. I tried not to let it get to me but it was hard. he was studying me so intently, i felt myself shake. He took a step toward me and i slowly moved back. I mean, Justin had a bad reputation in the school. He was considered dangerous. and everyone seemed to respect him, no matter how much they disliked him. They never mouthed off unlike my stupid boyfriend that is. "Maybe I will," He suddenly spoke, His voice lowered to a sexy drawl. "If..." i swallowed at his close proximity and asked in a squeak, "If what?" "If you kiss me." My mouth dropped open.

  What the heck? i thought he'd ask me to do a drug deal wit him or something, but a kiss? a grin spared across his lip at my baffled expression. "I have a boyfriend," I told him as any loyal Girlfriend should have said. He scoffed. "its just a kiss Grey." oh wow, he knew my last name,too. "don't tell me you scared," he continued In teasing voice when i didn't say anything .

  Oh now i get it. I was probably the only girl that never lip locked with in the entire school and he's decided to take his chance now. or maybe he wanted to rile me up, the straight A, non-misbehaving goody two shoe Brooklyn Grey. But then again, he was right, it was just a kiss. I'm sure Tony would'nt mind if it got  to him to escape Justin's wrath.

  I looked from the ground and met his brown eyes. I mean he was the hottest guy in the entire school, with strong jaw line and his pink lips. I slowly nodded and a hint if surprise came across his face. He probably wasn't expecting me to agree. He slowly smirked, raising an eyebrow in disbelief, as if though he didn't believe me. Silently I stood there, waiting for him to do it already.

   The doubt still on his face, he slowly leaned forward, his arms resting on either side of my head, trapping me against the cold hard lockers. His cologne surrounded me, his minty breath fanning on my lips. Just a kiss, Just a kiss. I chanted to myself as my eyes closed slowly and I leaned toward to get over with it. Puckering my lips slightly, I waited fr him to close the gap. Nothing. Opening my eyes back slowly I found his staring at me in amusement and I felt myself go red.  

He did not just do that. I felt like complete idiot. He lowered his head toward my ear and whispered, "Not so fast, babe. Meet me in Raya's English class after school" oh he's got to be kidding. Seems not,  he stepped back way and went to go to his class just the bell rang informing that lunch was over. The hallway soon crowded with students and I stood there, Flushed, trying to regather thoughts.


       I shouldered my backpack as the last bell of the day rang and the people practically ran out, as though they couldn't get out is school grounds faster enough. I'd told both Stacy and Tony to go ahead without me, since i had unfinished business to do. My heart thumped widely as the school elevator slowly claimed up to take me to the English class. What had i gotten myself into? It was a good thing that I liked Tony a lot, because other wise this wouldn't be happening. As i came closer to my destination . Taking a deep breath outside the door, I pulled myself together before stepping inside, leaving the door open....Just in case .

He was already there, sitting in the leather chair that belonged to the teacher , with his feet propped on the desk as he bounced one of these bouncy balls on it. His head snapped up when I entered. "Well Finally," He commented , pocketing the ball. Looked at the clock. What? 2 minutes late! I looked back to tell him that but he was smiling, informing me that he was joking with me. He pulled his feet off the table and got up and my mind went back to why i was here. Oh Dear. I saw him lick his bottom lip as he came closer to me, closing the distance between us. In one swift move, he closed the door and pressed m against the it, making a squeak slip out of my mouth. "I'm not gonna hurt you, Grey," He murmured , trying to calm me down as he gripped my upper arms gently. He dipped his head down and paused for a minute as if waiting to see If i would back out. When I didn't move he quickly pressed his lips against mine. My first thought was, Finally. And then all i could think of was. Ohmygod. I am kissing Justin.



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