Chapter 30

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"Thanks for everything," I told Justin as we arrived back at the hotel. I was getting sleepy and I had to contain quite a few yawns. "Your welcome." He replied back, as we headed inside the hotel.

As we waited for the elevator. I pondered in amazement at the events of tonight. Honestly? This side of Justin was kind of more scary than the mad or brooding side.


The doors opened and I was about to step in when I suddenly faltered, my face warming up. The couple inside quickly broke apart and I wished I had taken the stairs instead. The two people rushed out and I awkwardly stepped inside, wishing my face would freaking cool down. The door closed behind Justin as he followed after me and then suddenly the space seemed too small.

I glanced at Justin who had a small smile playing on his lips and I stood in the furthest corner away from him, almost letting out a sigh of relief when the door opened again to our floor. I was out before him, heading toward the room with him following after me.

Immediately I headed over to the bathroom, just wanting to get out this too tight dress and go to sleep. I turned on the sink and washed the make-up away, part of me wondering whether I should go pay Zoe's room a visit and sleep in there. I mean , there was only one bed..

I started taking my dress off but it didn't seemed to want to budge. Sucking in my stomach, I tried again but it didn't work at all. I let out a sigh and reached for the strings from the back and it seemed like an impossible task. Damn Zoe for her choice of dresses. Timidly opening the bathroom door, I hesitantly stepped out barefoot to find Justin laying on the bed, still clothed , and staring up at the ceiling. He had one leg on the bed one trailing on the floor, swinging it back and forth.

"Er, Justin?" I cleared my throat and he raised his head to look at me. "Could you, um, help me with the dress" I turned slightly to show him the corset. I glanced over my shoulders and saw as he got up and walked toward me quietly, his eyebrow raised slightly. My cheeks warm, I completely turned around to avoid his eyes. I stared down at my bare feet as I felt the strings start to loosen slowly. A little too slowly.

A little shiver wracked through my body as his fingers brushed the bare skin peeking through the loose strings and I was having a hard time swallowing. After a agonizingly slow minute, the strings were done and the cool air met my skin. I felt his hands disappeared from my back and I turned back around to thank him but the words seemed to get stuck in in head as his smoldering eyes set upon my.

"I believe," he spoke, his voice husky as he twirled a stray lock of my hair around one of his fingers, making my heart thumping in a almost painful way. "I didn't tell you how beautiful you looked today." oh dear, the way my heart was beating, most likely was not healthy. "Not that you don't look beautiful any other day," He added as an afterthought. Speak you idiot.

"Th-thank you." I stammered, trying yo control my voice. Ergh what was it about him that left me totally speechless? It wasn't fair.

"Mmm." he contained playing with my hair and I stood there, practically immobilized under his touch. And technically he wasn't really touching my skin. Dear god. Uh oh. he was leaning forward. Alarms suddenly ringing in my head which didn't even make sense we'd already kissed a couple times before, but still. I had my breathe as his lips touch made me weak i the knees. geez I needed help.

He applied more pressure and one of his hands splayed on my back, pushing me closer to him. Unlike the last kiss we'd shared, this one of slow and sensual, as though he had all the time in the world. my will to resist collapsed a second after that and I slid my hands through his hair at the nape of his neck, returning the kiss with enthusiasm. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up slightly so that my feet were in top of his shoes, making reaching for him easier. As he traced my lip with his tongue, a sound of longing slipped from my back throat, making me press even harder against him if that were possible.

The sound of heavy breathing filled the silence of the room. With all my force, I started pushing him back slightly until the back of his knees hit the edge of the bed and we tumbled down without breaking the kiss. Seems like I'm really feeling adventurous today, I thought as he smiled into the kiss. I set my knees on either side of his waist, straddling him as I took over the kiss. Taking his bottom lip between my teeth I tugged at it had he let out a groan. Suddenly, I found myself being flipped and then he was on top of my, his hands sneakily grabbing my wrists and pinning them over my head. I let out a noise of protest but he grinned, bending down to trial small kisses down my neck and then slowly going lower until he stopped at the lacy collar of the dress.

"You know, clothes can sometimes become such an inconvenience.'' He mumbled against the base of my throat and I couldn't help but laugh slightly, even if I did sound some what breathless. His hand went to the back of my dress and my eyes widened slightly when I heard the rip. "I'm sure Zoe wont mind us ruining it." He said while tossing what was left of the dress of his shoulder.

"If she tries to kill me, you're going down along with me," I murmured, as I tugged at his shirt, Hey,it was only fair. "I'm fine with that," He smiled, helping me take it off. For a second or two, I totally forgot what I was about to reply back to that as I stared at his perfectly sculpted body. my mouth practically started watering. "Brooklyn," he spoke again, stopping suddenly. "You're beautiful," It was as though he had read my mind. Swallowing. I met his glance uncertainly. His eyes were burning holes into me. "You really are." He said firmly, probably seeing the doubt on my face." And you need to know that you don't have to do this." His lips set straight in a line."And whatever you choose, I would never hurt you."

This but was going to make my faint. " I know," I smiled faintly, his assurance getting to me. I swept my hand across his face and he closed his eyes, leaning into my hand. "I trust you, Justin." He eyes immediately snapped back open and a wide smile spread across his lips. There was no sarcasm or any mockery behind it. It was a kind of smile that reached his eyes, making the crinkled. It was really perfect.

"That all I needed to hear," He said before leaning down and claiming my lips with his own.


Prepare for the next all knew this day was coming..UNTIL NEXT TIME :)


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