Chapter 10

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    I marched after Seth, My stance rigged. Flames or anger were burning inside of me, my face flushed. We  were back in the living room, Sean and Jake already seated.Seth cleared his throat as if to announce that we were here and have the two boys looked up.

   "Where is he?" Seth asked ,looking around the room in search.  "He's on his way" Sean answered in a bored voice. Seth walked over to the arm chair to sit while I stood there. I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at the wall, ignoring them.

  "How does your head feel?" Jake asked and my eyes snapped at him, he gave a small smile and I just then noticed that his tongue was pierced.

"Oh its great," I muttered , looking away. I don't understand these guys, I didn't think kidnappers weren't supposed to be like this nice. Shouldn't I be tied up and gagged or something.

"I rather advise you not to act that snarky with him," Sea raised his eyebrow. "It wont go well."

   "And who is him?" I raised my chin up glaring at him. Just then a door slammed somewhere and Sean grinned at me. "Time to find out" I faced the entrance to the living room and watched as a figure stepped inside. He had a snap-back on and had a hoodie over the hat. and black pants . He turned around after closing the door and a gasp flew out my lips. "Oh my god," I clasped my hands over my mouth in shock , taking a automatic step back.

  Justin stared back at me, his lips set in a straight line as he watched me break down. "You." I whispered , my eyes wide. "How-what." I was lost for words . This same Justin I went to school with. The whom I kissed , the one whose car I trashed.

   He was my kidnapper.

    "You look surprised, Babe,"He spoke in his smooth as honey voice. True , I had no reason to be surprised. I cant believe I had been stupid enough to think that he wasn't what everyone said he was. Stupid.Stupid.Stupid.

   "You're right," My eyes warmed on their own accord as I glared at him. "I shouldn't be. But dumb as I was , I actually thought you were decent." I raised my chin ,  wiping away my eyes and smiling humorlessly. "I applaud you , Justin. You went your way to prove me wrong.'' The others sat silently watching both of us.

  Something flashed in his eyes but before I could catch it, it disappeared as quickly as it came. "I don't think you want to see me angry, Grey," He spoke slowly , not looking away from me. "You honestly don't."

  "I am not afraid of you." I retorted back. Part of me was screaming at me at ho foolish I as being , but i ignored it. Letting my anger take over.  He stepped towards me "I think we can change that," His voice was low ans throaty, trying to be intimidating as he towered over me . He trailed his hands down my bare arm to grasp my hand and held it up for both of us to see.

  "Seth"  He raised his voice still not looking away from me. "Go take her back to her room. Make sure it gets locked." He dropped my hand and I let it flop to my side. He stepped away from me and turned around to exit the room. My eyes trailed after him, my heart thumping against my rib cage.

  "C'mon ," Seth spoke quietly , appearing by my side.When I didn't move , he took my arm gently and led my back upstairs. Seth took me back into the room I had woken up and went back outside. "I am sorry," He whispered to me before closing the door after him. I heard the click of a lock.

  I leaned against the door, my legs feeling weak. I slid down , pulling my knees to my chest and resting my forehead against them. I didn't cry , for some reason the tears wouldn't come out no matter how hard I tried.

   I got up and looked around the room, it wasn't that bad , it had a large window next to the bed. I walked over to it and stared out. I looked out into the city and hills and it had a lock on it.

    I really was trapped.



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