Chapter 7 (3 out of 3)

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        ...... "Don't worry baby" I hear him mutter as he pressed a sloppy kiss on my neck." I'll make you forget about him." Panic erupted in me and as he pressed his lips against mine, I bit his lip, definitely drawing blood. A stream of curse word slipped out of his mouth as he pulled back slightly, holding my wrist abouve my head. He glared at me, his face distorting into an ugly expression. "Alright sweetheart," He snarled "Behave yourself wont you?" . "Let me go!" I yelled out , hoping someone will hear me. Where all the people deaf out or something?!.


       My eyes widened as I felt my dress tear from my back, I felt paralyzed with fear. I'd never been in this situation before, how was I suppose to get out. More tears came when I realized it may be too late for me to be saved. I heard him unbuckling his belt but stopped when i hear the door being busted into.

     The next thing I know, I felt him being lifted off me and I heard someone being slammed against the wall. I scrambled as I watch in shock as the guy got pummeled by no other than the Justin Bieber. I sat there for a second. trying to wrap my mind about this. And the reality cam back flying as I saw red blood smeared on the wall.

      Oh my god. He was going to kill him. I got up from bed, and hastily wrapped the bed sheet around me. "Justin , Stop"  trying to get his attention I saw him wrap his hands around the boy's neck. "STOP , JUSTIN YOUR GOING TO KILL HIM!" I grabbed onto his hand "Justin" I say in an authoritative voice.  his eyes found way to lock with mine.

     "please Justin , stop. let him go" His looked back at the boy who was on the edge of passing out. His hands abruptly let him go and the boy collapse on the ground , "if your not gone in 5 seconds" his voice lowered "I'm going to make sure you regret it. The boy nodded and stumbled out the room. Taking a deep breath Justin turned towards me. 

     "Are you okay' He asked curtly His voice was flat and emotionless. I nodded mutely. He took of his black hoodie and it to me "Here but this on" I took it and he turned around so I could put it on.Pulling the sheet on i slipped the hoodie over my head , it stopped just at my knees, the jacket smelled like him . "Thanks" I whispered , knowing I am probably messed up right now. Justin nodded "He didn't-...He didn't hurt you did he" I shook my head.

     "Well isn't this noble of you Bieber."  I looked up as a guy as a guy leaning against the doorway , a pleasant smile on his face as he looked at us. "Chase" Justin spat out the word like it was something dirty, glaring at the guy-Chase. "Oh come on, is that how your suppose to greet your old friend"? Chase looked mock hurt , straightening up and entering the room. His voice contained a hint of a British accent. "But then again, you aren't one for warm welcomes , are you?" "What are you doing here back over here" Justin Ignored his question. "I thought you were in Australia." He shrugged lightly.

   "I got bored there.  So who is this beautiful girl with you?" He looked at me. Studying me up and down. There something off about this guy, He maybe smiling , and looked polite , but his eyes were like laser's , burning holes into my skin. "I must say she is better than the last one."  "I don't have anything to do with her" Justin didn't look at me , his eyes still on Chase. 

    "Didn't seem like it a minute ago" Chase grinned , but it seemed he was baring his teeth at me or something. "I simply saved he from a sticky situation. Now whatever you business you have with me. I'd rather you do it privately." I felt a slight hurt, not kowning why he was blowing me off. Chase raised an eyebrow at me "Love, you don't mind giving us some privacy, do you?" I opened my mouth to say something but then i saw Justin's eyes flash in warning and then I closed it back shut it. i nodded and walked out wondering if it was worth it eavesdropping. I knew the effects wouldn't be pretty if i got caught. Give him his privacy, a voice scolded. 


           Justin's P.O.V

          "You've been fraternizing with the enemy, Bieber," Chase tilted his head to the side , his eyebrow raised. "Cut the bull shit and get to the point" I growled , a part of my relieved Brooklyn had gone. I still wanted to go downstairs to pummel that bastard but Chase's arrival put everything out my mind. He was apart of this big gang that was spread all over the world , and a couple years ago he'd tried to make me join him. Being stupid dumb-ass i was, I said yes. He assigned me jobs here and there, nothing to major. But then he wanted me to kill and i decided to leave, to quit.

      Lets just say he didn't take it well. I still have scares to prove it. Chase took out an envelope and threw at me, I caught it easily. He watched me as I opened it and took out the contents inside. "Does Nathan Grey  ring a bell?" he asked me as I stared at the pictures.There were several where Brooklyn and I were kissing , then the next picture was a family tree. I stared at the two lines that read Nathen Grey and Jessica Grey connected to one box at the very bottom which had the name Brooklyn Grey on it. 

   My heart sank. Nathen Grey. Brooklyn. Grey. "Fuck" I whispered, crumpling the family tree. How could I have been so fucking stupid? Nathaniel Grey had been a policemen. He was the one who had shot and killed an another gang member that was also my best friend and was kinda like an brother to me - Ryan , a few years ago . But sadly he disappeared as though he had completely left earth. After a few years of searching for him. I stopped altogether and settled here in California.

   Its ironic that his family was here. "Fuck is correct," Chase nodded, clapping slowly in mock congratulations. "Oh look, you finally figured it out." "So is that you came here for?To mock me and show me this?" I gritted through my teeth. "I have a job for you".  "I don't take orders from you anymore, remember?" Chase crossed his arms over his chest.

   "You want revenge for Ryan's death or not" I didn't say anything , not knowing what I wanted. "That's what I thought." Chase smirked. I looked at him and then down at the picture of Brooklyn and me. I balled them in my hand and let them drop to the floor. "What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to Kidnap Brooklyn Grey."

ha I bet you didn't see that coming :) 




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