Chapter 17

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The thunder boomed again as I walked around the house , looking around . Since I'd lived in California my whole life, I'd never experienced such violent winds and rain until now. For some reason , I liked it. I liked the way the rain sounded and the noise the wind made it swept through the trees.

I stood there listening to the sound of the wind and thunder as lightning flashed against the dark grey sky.

"Brooklyn?" I looked up as Jake walked in, smiling . He headed over toward me in his faded jeans and hoodie; A snap-back covered half if his face.

"Hey." I returned the smile. "What are you doing here?" He shrugged . "I was walking past when I saw you here>" He came over and stood next to me. "So how has your injury been doing?"

"I'm healing ," I answered , Glancing at him from the corner of my eyes.

"That's good." A couple of minutes passed in silence as we both just stood there comfortably. The silence wasn't awkward or anything, it was quite serene.

Jake walked over to the piano and sat down on the bench , his back resting against the keys. "Do you play?" I asked , nodding at the piano as I stepped toward and stood next to it.

His ear turned slightly red. "A little" "you should play something." Jake grinned , the small dimple on his right cheek becoming more deep.

My mouth opened slightly in amazement as his finger swiftly ran over the keys . Holy cow , he was amazing. As he played he glanced at me , a grin spreading on his lips at my expression . "What? You look like you seen a ghost" He teased . The music didn't falter a bit.

I sat there listening to him play I dont know how long he was playing but a minute later a loud crash came anad we both froze and the music stopped immediately.

Another crash.

Something came flying at me and I am automatically ducked, a scream slipping out my mouth . I realized the glass window had been shattered , two holes shaped the glass like...

Like bullets.


"Get down!" Jake yelled, pulling me down. I crawled underneath the piano as he stood up ans I saw a flash of black as he pulled something from the waist band of his jeans.

A gun.

The loud sounds of the bullets being shot sounded so familiar, it was sickening. I felt like I was back with Mom as we hid in the closet, waiting for it to be over. The sound of things being crashed came from downstairs now and I heard yelling. My heart was thumping loudly as fear coursed though me. What was happening?

Jake's face suddenly appeared next to me, his breath faltering. "Brooklyn, listen I'm going to need you to do something. You understand?"

I nodded , not being able to speak.

"The attacker are downstairs and it wont be long before they come up here. This glass window faces the front of the house and down there Justin is waiting for you. Me and the others are going to stall while we need you to run. Do you know what I'm trying to say?"

I stared at him mutely , my mind a jumbled mess.

"Brooklyn , your going to have to jump out the window."

For a second I waited for him to start laughing and yell 'April Fools!' , but he stared at me with a dead serious expression.

"I don't think I can do that." I whispered. "Yes you can." He said firmly . "Brooklyn you have to. And I mean now."

He held my elbow and pulled me out from under the piano and lead me to now shattered window. The rain had stopped now as I peeked out I saw glass covering the roof; the ledge looking slippery. I cant , I cant , I cant.

"You can do this." Jake tried to assure me as I put a shaky foot on the roof, clutching his shoulder for my dear life. Looking down , I saw Justin waiting, and I saw a gun in one of his hands. His head snapped up at the sound of the noise and his eyes locked with mine even when I was on a two-story roof.

"Brooklyn, you'd better jump now!" I heard him say. I watched as he held out his arms as though he was going to catch me. Oh no. "Don't think." Jake whispered "Just do it."

"Brooklyn I promise , I'll catch you." Justin's voice came again. "And I know this is the last thing you should probably do, but trust me." Trust


Behind me the door flew open and glancing back, I saw a guy stepped in, a gun in his hand. "JUMP NOW!" Jake yelled.

Closing my eyes tightly, I balled my hands into fists and took quick , sharp breath, hoping that it wouldn't be my last.

You have to trust me.

"Don't make me regret it thought." I whispered, before bending my knees and then...

I jumped.



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