Chapter 33

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Nobody's P.O.V

Time seemed to be passing in a slow, sluggish manner. Amber missed seeing the sun and she didn't know how long it had been, but her stomach was gnawing furiously with hunger. She seemed to be getting weaker and weaker by the minute and the weakness wasn't something she tolerated.

The door opened just then and a guy with a balding head poked his head inside. This wasn't the first time he'd done that though. It had become some kind of routine, probably to check if they hadn't escaped. or died, Amber thought to herself. As the guy shut the door again, Jake moved slightly against the wall he rested against, his breathing labored.

She watched him struggle slightly before reaching out to help him get into a better position. "Are you alright?" She whispered, frowning slightly. He coughed, his whole body shaking. "I'm fine," He wheezed out. But even she knew he was wrong. His face was starting to go deathly pale and when she had put a hand on his forehead, it seemed to be burning with a crazy fever. He could barely talk and she could tell his rib was bothering him.

"I don't think they're going to come for us," She spoke, trying to fill in the silence somehow. He let out a choked out breath which she decided was suppose to be a laugh. "I know Justin. If it meant swimming through a lake of fire to get here he'd probably do it. And Brooklyn would probably be right behind him."

She peeked a glance at Jake. When he said Brooklyn's name, there seemed to be some kind of wistfulness in his tone. "You like her, don't you?" She finally asked, staring at the candle that burned dimly on the wall. There was a long pause before he finally spoke, his breathe ragged. "I guess so," When he said that, an uncomfortable feeling passed through her but she ignored it. "But now I realize it," He continued "It'd just been some flimsy crush. I know what she feels for Justin and what he feels for her. And I'm not crazy enough to come between that. It's not everyday you see Justin get so dazed over a girl."

"Well aren't you noble," Despite the situation, a small smile spread across her lips and Jake glanced at her, returning the smile before sighing. "They'll come," He spoke, a finality in his voice. "Sooner or later they will. All we need to do is wait." And not die of hunger.


Normal P.O.V

The tension was so thick in the air, you could practically smell it. I ran my hands through my now knotted hair, staring at the body that now occupied the bed of Zoe and Sean's hotel room. And that body was the no other Chase. When we hurried over to the place Sean and Seth had seen Jake and Amber being kidnapped, we'd found Chase's body hunched in the ally way, looking worse for wear. They had plenty of bruises and cuts and his clothes had been torn, but other than that, it hadn't been that serious.

That had been two days ago. two days since Amber and and Jake disappeared. The door opened and Justin stepped inside looking extremely tired. He had dark shadows underneath his eyes and his hair looked like he had ran his hand through it a couple of times. "Any news?" I asked him, standing up. He shook his head slightly, glancing at Chase who seemed to be asleep currently. "Nothing really. The only thing we can count on is Chase having something for us. If not, then we've gotten nothing." I was about to say something when the noise of movement stopped me. Chase seemed to waking up because he was moving, and sure enough, a couple of seconds later his eyes opened.

"Whats going on?" He mumbled as he sat up a little, looking disoriented. He seemed to notice us just then and looked even more confused. "Don't you remember? I'm guessing Brax kidnapped you and then dropped you off in an abandoned alley and then took Jake and Amber." Justin walked over to him, his arms crossed over his chest. At Brax's name, Chase seemed to get rigged, alarm written all across his face. "Justin, listen, you can't get to him, you'll get killed." Justin furrowed his eyebrows.

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