Chapter 21

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I don't know how long we drove, but the sun was soon lowering over the horizon. We hadn't stop not once and for such a small and odd-looking car, it ran pretty well. All through the ride, neither if us barely spoke and I didn't bother breaking the silence about me breaking down and vomiting.

"We'll need to take a pit stop pretty soon." Justin finally spoke up , glancing down at the speedometer. I nodded feeling relieved. I really needed to go to the bathroom.

"Where are we now?" I asked him timidly, looking around, although it was a little to dark to even see anything. "In a couple of more hours we'll pass the county line and enter Nevada." I nodded slightly, surprised he'd even answered. He turned his head to glance at me slightly before facing the road again. "Are you hungry?" Now he mentioned it... "I'm starving," I answered truthfully. Hey , why lie? I hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch at all.

Justin pulled up to a slightly busy gas station and set the car near a gas pump. "I'll get the gas and you can get us something to eat." He said as he got out. I followed the suite, grabbing the duffel bag from the back which Zoe had thankfully put and took out a pair of skinny jeans and a get t-shirt. As long as we were doing this , I could get freshened up too.

I followed after him to the entrance of the station. It was warm inside and a couple of customers were present. "I'm gonna go change." I murmured quietly, nodding at the bathroom.

Wrinkling my nose at the smell of the restroom, I locked the door behind me and changed into some new clothes, wishing I could at lease take a shower somewhere. I felt gross. Once done, I threw away the dirty clothes I'd taken off and slipped back into my converse.

I walked back outside, my eyes landing on Justin who stood near the isle on the end, talking on the phone. When he saw me coming, he said something in the phone before putting it away.

"Zoe and the others have already reached Salem." He announced in a hush whisper. "Were lagging behind." "What about Brax?" "Chase called Zoe just a few hours ago. He said He'd lost track of them for now." Well crap

"Were still ahead of them." i nodded , although I was still a little uncertain, "Come on," He said while walking down the isle , grabbing random stuff. I watched him in slight amusement; his eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, his lips puckered slightly as he filled his arm with all the food. "Do you think this is enough?" He called , bringing me out my reverie.

"Um pretty sure," I had to stop myself from smiling as I notice all the food he was holding. He walked over to the cashier and set all the stuff down. The girl who was working at the counter, seemed to be annoyed about having to scan all these stuff, but that seemed to disappear when she noticed Justin.

Oh I knew that look. It was the one I'd seen plenty of times from girls in back in high school, the one that looked like Justin were some sort of dessert they wanted to gobble up. "Well hello there," The girl smiled and my eyebrows hitched up as I heard her high, squeaky voice. "You seem to be on a long road trip." "You could say that." Justin answers as the girls's eyes ran over him. I was going to throw up again.

Not liking the way I was being ignored, I stepped up to stand next to Justin, giving the girl and evil eye. She drew her attention to me and her eyes gave me a look that clearly said that I wasn't something she worried about. " Well, if you ever need anything, i'd gladly be able to help." I couldn't help but notice how much she had emphasized on anything. It seemed like Justin noticed it too, because he cocked his head to the side, that signature smirk of playing on his lips.

"I'll keep that in mind." He said, amusement tinting his voice. Oh. ew,ew,ew.

The girl turned to give me a poisonous grin as though she won some sort of competition or something. clinching my jaw , my stomach burned slightly in what i assumed was anger and I had to use all my will power to not to grab her by the head and slam her face onto he counter. "I'm going to go wait in the car." I said to Justin as I turned around to leave out to the exit.

as I was walking out to the parking lot I jumped slightly as the sudden sound of noise and turned around to find a lady standing in front of me. She was small, with a brown, aged face and white wispy hair that fell around her shoulder. Her eyes were twinkling and a kind of smile was spread on her lips. "Je puex I'adier?" She spoke. "Oh um.. sorry. i only speak English." I said awkwardly, feeling very stupid . I believe it was French she was speaking.

I think she got the message because she smiled and waved her hand around the shop. "Si vous le souchetiez, vous pouvez gruardare en re grio'' I think she was inviting me to look around. I gave her a thankful smile and stepped deeper into the shop. There was beaded jewelry everywhere, I picked up a particular necklace that layed on one of the counters , my thumb rubbing over the smooth stone that hung from the chain. the colors were pretty. I wonder if she sold these things.

I was so lost in thought I didn't notice it when two hands grabbed my shoulder, making me drop the necklace.



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