Chapter 9

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   I don't know how much longer it was when I finally woke, unknowable of my surroundings. I lay there for A minute, blinking as it slowly all came back to me. Prom...getting kidnapped. I immediately sat up, clutching my forehead as a jolt of pain wracked through my head. I looked around with wide eyes. I seemed to be in a rather large room.

    I looked around around wide eyes. It seemed normal and everything, with muted blue painted walls, dresser, bed, and a door leading out. That is , until I noticed the guy. He was standing in the corner , his arms crossed over his chest as he studied me.

   "Who are you?" i asked, trying to keep my voice strong, I didn't want him to notice that I was frightened. He stepped forward, out of the shadows and I pulled my knew to my chest, as If thinking If I made myself less smaller he would go away. "I'm Sean." he said , his voice smooth and sleek, his eyebrows raised. He was quite good-looking , with cinnamon skin and coca eyes. "Why did you bring me here? Look, if  you're holding me for ransom then you'll be disappointed. I don't have money."

  He was coming closesr and i scrambled out of the bed, pressing myself agaisnt the frhtest wall away from him. "I swear! I dont have any money. here," i frantically pulled out my earrings and took off my necklace, throwing it on the floor . "Please , just let me go , I want to go home."

  The guy stepped dead in his tracks , glancing at the jewelry i had thrown, and then back at me; he looked offended "I don't want your money," he scoffed. I had blinked. "Then what do you want form me?" "I don't think you're in the position to ask questions." he smiled but there was no humor in it. "Come on, I told you to bring yourself downstairs"

    "I'm not going anywhere with you!" I yelled out , it was either that I was recklessly brave or that it was simply the adrenailine my fear brought. I was going for later. " listen chick." His face twisted in annoyance. "You're coming with me wheter you-" Before  he could finish , I lunged for the door and yanked it open , running out.

   "Hey! His voice come out from behind me. Picking up my dress , I ran through the hallway as I heard him coming behind me. I don't think i had ever ran this fast in my whole life, as i ran I threw random things behind me to slow him down. Where is the damn door?

  I sprinted down the stairs , wondering just how huge this house was. It was filled with twists and turns. I came around the corner and my eyes locked with a large glass double door. Freedom!

   I yanked it open and jumped outside, the cold air greeting me. It was absolutely pouring and I was wet in a matter of seconds but I didn't give a flying fuck as I ran for my life, my breath coming out in large gaps as I tried catching my breath. I felt off balance . I could barely see, the rain was so heavy. Suddenly I heard thumps of heavy feet behind me and I started panicking, forcing myself to go faster. I had no idea where i was. I simply ran for my life, but then my legs seemed to weigh like lead and I some how collapsed on the ground, hitting the hard pavement , my vision blurred slightly. I tried to get back up but my body seemed too heavy for me , and I couldn't move at all.

    "There she is!" I heard over the loud rain and the footsteps come closer until two figures hovered over me.One grabbed onto me and I let out a whimper as my skull vibrated against the slightest touch . I tried to struggled agaisnt them but my attempts were feeble. One of the guys sucked in their breath. "she's bleeding."

 "Boss is gonna kill us," Sean muttered as he threw me over his shoulders. "Better hurry before she looses anymore blood" "Damn she can run fast" The other one muttered as they both started walking. With every step he took , a jolt of pain went through my head, i bit my lip from screaming out.

  They took me back the house and I lost all hope. How was I going to get out of here. Sean, Who was caring me , set me down in what I seemed like the living room. "Quick , go get Jake , won't you?" Sean said, and the gut who stood next to him hurried away, holding my hand against the wond to stop it from bleeding more, I looked down at my white dress which was splattered with bright blood. I looked like something from a horror movie.

  "lay back," Sean said putting a hand on my shoulder. I cringed away form him, cowering against the sofa. "Please let me go." I whisper , pleading . "I wasn't to go home." The other guy whom I assumed was Jake , came over , a box in his hand. What was he going to do to me? My eyes widened as he came closer. "I'm not going to hurt you," His voice soothing , more comforting than Sean's. When he spoke , a small inkling of comfort settled in me, he was like a hot coca on a cold winter day.

  "I am simply going to clean up your wound." H bent eye level with me, taking out tissues to first clean away the blood before settling a large bandage over it. "There," He smiled . he stood up and looked at Sean and the other guy. "Where's Zoe?" she needs to help her with clothes and shower.

  "she's out." Sean answeres . "I am sure she can shower herself" All three of them looked at me "Seth go with her so she doesn't try to run away again, " Sean told the younger one. Seth nodded firmly and waved at me to get up . I slowly did and followed after him. "You'll have to wear Zoe's clothes," Seth told me. "Is that alright with you? I didn't say anything, He opened a door and stood just across from the room I had ran from. "I'll um wait outside," His cheeks tinted slightly, grinning sheepishly. I could clearly see his braces. "The clothes are inside."

  After 15 minutes of a fresh shower which mosly ended up tears running down my face i turned the water off and dried myself off and put on some of the clothes Seth has layed out for me to wear. I braided my hair to the side when there was a knock ong the door.

"Umm, Brooklyn ?" I jolted of shock went through me as he said my name. Well, of course they knew my name. "Boss is ready to see you know." Boss huh? I clenched my jaw , clenching my hands into fist . A flash of anger and determination settled on my face, my eyes fierce. This guy must been the one who did all of this to me.

  Well , it was time to give Boss a piece of my mind.




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