Chapter 16

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I knew that voice.

The guy who I was assumed was Brax froze slightly before turning around to face the direction where the voice came from , dragging me along with him.

"Ahh Justin ," Brax spoke , leering as he me against him, the knife sat across my neck. "What a pleasant surprise." Justin stood near the entrance in a comfortable stance, looking very calm. "I would say the same thing," He spoke. "But I would be lying"

Justin took a step toward us and Brax's hold on me tightened. "Why don't you just hand me the money and leave I so l can get to business?" The knife dug into my neck and l had the taste of blood in my mouth.

"You know l'd love to do that, but you have something of mine that l'd really want back." He took another step forward; his eyes were on Brax the whole time. "You mean Ms.Brooklyn here?" Brax wiped the trickle of blood from the corner of my mouth ans l flinched. "lm sure you wont mind If l keep her to myself, will you?"

"As a matter of fact, l would mind very much." Justin was only a couple of feet away now. "Well then,you hand me the money and she's all yours."

He's treating me like a freaking piece of meat that can be bought and sold.

Angrily, I tried to push him away from me, the side of my stomach burning in the process. Justin looked at me just then as he pulled out a stack of cash from his pocket. His eyes held a warning.

He held out the was cash and threw it on the ground and snatched the cash, still holding on me . Staightening back up, he chuckled. "Oh Justin , you really have lost your touch. You didn't think I was honestly going to let her go, were you."

The next coule of things happened so fast and suddenly, my brain could barely process it. I felt myself being flung on the hard, cold ground which honestly hurt like hell. Opening my eyes, I found Justin pinning Brax to the wall as he punched him in the gut. Somehow, Zoe, Jake, Sean, and Seth and had appeared out of nowhere along with some other dudes I'd never seen before.

Holy poop, I thought as I saw Seth take down a guy three times his size . I need to not get on his bad side.

Through the haze I saw one of the guys lunging at me and I widened my eyes. Scrambling up, I grabbed the nearest thing I could find- a burning torch- and threw it at him. I missed him by a couple of feet.

Well.... I never really was good at throwing. A scream resounded through the hubbub and Its like time froze . Everyone simultaneously stopped and looked at the torch that hit some other guy who had flung it away ; it now rested on one clothed tables. For second , everyone just stood there as the flames grew, spreading faster. The room was getting hotter as smoke filled it. A cough was starting to build in my throat, as my watered.

As through the spell had been broken, everyone started moving again. They were all trying to run toward the exit as the flames licked hungrily. I blinked , trying to find my own exit , The flames seemed to be getting hotter and hotter. Feeling heat around my skin, I looked down and realized the bottom of the of the dress was catching on fire.

crap,crap, crap. I tried stomping on it, but it didn't work at all. In the end, I had to rip the fabric off before the fire spread upwards.

I was aching, tired, blistered as I looked around , wondering If was going to burn to death by the fire I had caused. Suddenly , a hand wrapped around my waist making me yelp a little in both fright and pain.

"Its fine, Its just me." Justin's voice came near my ear and I relaxed slightly. "Come on, we need to get out of here," Still holding on to my waist, he started leading the way. My eyes were stinging when we finally found the door. A wind of cold air slapped me in the face and I took gulps of it.

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