Chapter 19

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Stay calm Brooklyn, stay calm. I tried not to let my panic and shock show through as i asked "Me? Why me?" I tried to keep my voice from cracking .

Zoe shrugged. "You set his mansion on fire and then escaped. And it didn't help when this guy." She nodded he chin at Justin who was leaning against the wall in a arrogant stance. "Came to help you. Not that I'm not glad."

That didn't make sense. The dude was mad I burned his mansion? Didn't he have like gazillion other mansion around the world or something. Zoe sighed, probably noticing the clueless look on my face. "Brax want to kill you to get to Justin. You dieing will affect Justin and then he'll get his revenge . He's playing a game."

I heard Justin scoff from the corner and I clenched my jaw. "Well he'll be disappointed." I said bitterly , my voice wobbling a bit. "My death will probably be a relief to Justin." "Cant argue with that, now can I" Justin rolled his eyes, his voice sarcastic .He seemed unaffected by the news. Wrapping my arms around my stomach , I was finding it hard to breath as he left the room. That was such a low blow.

"He doesn't mean it, here go take a shower, you look like a mess and get some rest too. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day." Zoe said to me , I nodded and went to the bathroom to got take my shower . When I went back to the room Zoe quickly got up and entered the bathroom I had just left , shutting the door behind her. Sean was now laying on the bed, small snores coming out of him every now and then and Seth had occupied the only armchair. The room had gotten more dark, the dim lights barley helping. My eyes paused at Justin who had came back. He was lying in the corner, his eyes closed as his head rested against the wall.

Jake looked up from the spot on the floor he was sitting on, his back against the wall. He gave me a small smile and I returned it. At least someone was smiling. I walked over to him and sat down, crossing my legs.

"Hi." "Hey." He bent one knee against his chest and the other lay-ed straight. "How are you feeling?" "overwhelmed." I answered truthfully. "It'll work out in the end," He tried to assure me but even his voice sounded doubtful. Nice.

I laughed softly. "Don't lie to me Jake. I don't need to be given fake assurances." He sighed , his shoulders lifting up in a small shrug. "Well that I know for sure is that you can take whats thrown at you. You're strong Brooklyn." "You think so?" I said , my eyes going over to where Justin sat. He seemed to be asleep, his chest rising and falling slowly.

"I know it." Zoe came out the bathroom just then , wearing a pair of shorts and a tank-top. She gave us a raised-eyebrow look as she walked past, heading over to bed where Sean lay. "Move over, fat ass." I heard her grumble as she tugged the blanket from him. I smiled slightly at her and watched as she lay-ed down, getting comfortable.

"Thanks Jake." I turned back to look at him. He nodded , grinning slightly; And as his lips stretched, I could see that his bottom lip was teared a Little and blood was staring to form again. Without a second thought, I raised my hand to wipe the blood away with my thumb. His grin faded and his eyes went to my hand. I blushed slightly at why I had done.

"Sorry." I mumbled , wiping my hand on my jeans. "You'r lip was bleeding'' He cleared his throat "Its fine." I gazed back at him, my cheek flaming in embarrassment. Wow his eyes are really blue, part of me thought in wonder. "your eyes are really pretty." I blurted out and then inwardly kicked myself. He chuckled , quirking he eyebrow up. "Yeah? Yours are too." I grinned sheepishly. "And you nose, and cheeks, and eyelashes," He teased, tapping my nose. I rolled my eyes, my cheeks going warm again. "Shut up."

"What? Its true," The grin was back on his face. "Aww look, you're blushing." I ducked my face, burring it my hands. "Stop lying." He didn't reply for a few seconds I wondered if I'd offended him in some way. But then I felt a pair of hands grab my chin and raised it to find his look serous. "You're are really beautiful." He stated. A smile slowly formed on my lips "Thank you. " The still stupid smile was still intact and I realized Jake was still holding my face.

I think he was about to say something else but the the sound of movement made us both freeze slightly. I watched as Justin suddenly got up off the floor and swiftly marched past us, his face hardened and his lips set in a straight line. He didn't even look at either of us as he left the room, slamming the door behind him. With a loud bang, making Zoe grumble out some words. I thought he was asleep.

Jake removed his hand from my chin and scooted back slightly, wondering if he saw the whole thing. Not that I should care if he did. But then again , the knots in my stomach were telling me otherwise. "We should probably got some sleep." I whispered looking anywhere but him. "Right." I heard him say. There was some shuffling and some silence followed after.

I didn't look to see if he had gone to sleep or not, my mind on the other things. What exactly happened? . Sean's snores filled the quietness of the room and I sat there int he same position for god knows how long. My eyes were wide open and sleep never came to me. I felt like some part of me was waiting for him to come back or something.

But Justin never came back.



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