Chapter 22

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I squeaked out in alarm as I felt myself being turned around, the necklace slipping from my fingers. "Are you crazy?" Justin hissed as he grabbed my upper arms. "I thought you'd gotten kidnap of something! You cant just disappear on me like that, Brooklyn" He said frustrated.

I pulled away from his hold, bending over to pick up the necklace."We'll, since you were to busy flirting with that skank, I thought I'd give this place a vist." I retorted "Well, visit's over. We're leaving." Justin grumbled. "quitter si tôt?" The women had appeared again.

Justin turned around to look at her, a forced smile on his face. "Je suis désolée Madame presse" My eyes widened. Holy freaking crap. Justin Bieber had just made French so much hotter. The words seemed to fluidly slip out his mouth without even trying. How did he even know how to speak french? The women's smile seemed to grow. "ne vous inquiétez pas bébé"

Justin turned back to me . "Let's go." I sighed , glancing one last time at the necklace in my hands before slowly setting it down."semble être absente qui." The women finally spoke again.

  Justin turned to glance back at me and his head tilted slightly as he studied me. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze. "Go wait in the car, Brooklyn"  He sighed out. Okay whats going on?Not feeling like auguring with him, I gave the women a small wave before heading for the car.

   God , he could be so demanding sometimes. The car was unlock and I sat down, shutting the door behind me Justin didn't return until a few minutes and I watched as his silhouette came closer until I could fully see him. He got in the car, bringing in the small of fresh air along with him.

    "I didn't know you could speak French," I immediately blurted out, the words had been burning on my tongue. He looked at me. "There's alot of things that you don't know about me." "Seems like we'll need to change that soon, don't you think? I mean its only fair. you seem to know all there is to know about me, only make sense for me to know about you." I spoke boldly. Sometimes it amazed me how brave I could get.

    He arched an eyebrow, a small smile playing on his lips. "We'll see." My heart sped up in victory of my progress. Wow, he was actually easing up. He cleard his throat suddenly and remmaged through his pants pocket, taking something out. "Here" I felt something cool against my palm and raising it closer to my face, my eyes widened when I noticed that it was; the necklace.

    I turned to stare at him in amazement , "Wow. thank-you." "Your welcome." He answered, staring up the car.

    I didnt say anything els, not sure if I even could. Justin may not realize it, but even this small act of kindness meant so much to me, especially since it was him that had done it . Not only that, this was proof. Proof that it wasn't impossible to break down his walls.

    And that defintiely gave me hope.



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